WoW Remix Developer Update – May 29

ill agree, alts should be discounted

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The fact that I have logged into the forums to post something means something is definitely wrong.

This one should have stayed in the drafts, man. Because holy moly this response is absolute GARBAGE.


Clownshow of a company. You should all be embarrassed by how the community is dragging you through the mud. This entire event is a complete fiesta of disappointment. I cannot believe I let you hype me up for something that is this awful of an end user experience.


So long remix & thanks for the fish.

I do genuinely & non-sarcastically appreciate the confirmation that playing at 70 will require a level of time commitment that I’m not interested in investing for a temporary event.

Lets me just finish timerunning the extra mage I wanted, then I can stick to some chill live play & warframe.


Looking forward, we want you to know that we do not plan to change the Bronze cost of upgrading gear. We’ve already seen many players make the decision to upgrade items so that they can comfortably take on Heroic raids (and hopefully earn the large amounts of Bronze available from them). The gains in power that come with increasing your item levels are exponential, not linear, and we don’t want anyone to second-guess their decision to become much more powerful.

This is also kind of out of touch with how it had been interacted with, the only people initially that got to these levels of gear were the frog farmers that were very unceremoniously cut down. We were hesitating to upgrade gear as is because the cost was so steep but it felt like there was no choice to do any content higher than the very base, so we would MUCH rather lower costs to be able to play and gear alts. There is no real lose lose in lowering costs now, I promise.


I have a character about to be done with getting full 556.

Believe me, it’s fine. We don’t mind the upgrade costs being reduced. Please do it for everyone else.


Real translation “Play the game, you’ll earn bronze in no time”


Beep boop. Event was not advertised to be PLAYER_MISCONCEPTION: “Fun and overpowered.”

Event was designed to keep players subscribed. Boop. Fun is objectively a NEGATIVE_HUMAN_EXPERIENCE. Filthy meatbags and their RANK_CHEMICAL_IMBALANCE dopamine.

Cogwheel Gems slotted for tuning overpass. Provide too much utility. Tinker gems still exciting. Must maintain player metrics. Enforce ideal player session times.

Boop bop. Praise Blizzard. Beep.


You guys had one chance to fix this gear mess and you blew it, great. Now I have a real reason to cancel my sub.


Why not reduce the upgrade costs for alts after you’ve maxed it out on your main? 400k is alot of bronze. If I invest in the grind on my main, why do I have to do it again on another character? I thought we were moving away from forcing alts to regrind things?


How do I report a blue post for trolling, because that is exactly what this is.


What a joke of a Dev opinon. I’m done with Blizz for now.


I looked for the button too :sob: :sob:


Then drastically increase Threads and Bronze Acquisition.

The 7 daily activites for Greater Bronze Caches only award 8750 bronze. You need 9k to upgrade a 2-hander (4500 for 1-handers and off-hands).

It’s a massive issue that Bronze is used for Gear Upgrades AND Cosmetics. In Hindsight you should have had Bronze used for Cosmetics, and Lesser Charms of Good Fortune as the upgrade currency. If this was the case at the start MoP: Remix would have been a great event.

Now since it’s almost certain you won’t introduced a secondary currency this late into Remix. You really need to increase bronze gains by 475% (for a 500% total from the original 25% increase that was made to caches), it shouldn’t take a week of dailies to get enough bronze to go +14 ilvls.

And who cares if it’s not balanced? The MARKETING for the event was to be Overpowered! So make us overpowered!

As it stands this event is far worse than Plunderstorm was. Because at least with that event we weren’t forced to choose between Power and Cosmetics.

PS. Kaivax I know you are only bringing the news from the Devs to us, we are not Angry at you, we are angry at the devs.


Spent maybe 2 hours killing frogs, No where near enough credit of kill to gain power of anyone that ACTUALLY farmed the frogs, My cloak is no where near the power of the nerfed cloaks(Mines 11k stam), and yet I am labelled a frog farmer and don’t get the quests to make use of this.
Another L by blizz, a mode that is suppose to allow us to be OP, with ridiculous stuff similar corruptions, and you just blew it


Not nerfing gear upgrade costs is the worst decision possible. The cloak nerf to frog farmers didn’t do anything since most of their dmg is coming from tinker slots on their maxed out or close to maxed out gear. With the current bronze costs of upgrading gear, it will take regular people FOREVER to even get close to them, and that’s only if people dump all their bronze into upgrades, some people want to buy cosmetics, but feel like they can’t. And expecting people to lvl a bunch of characters to get the cosmetics they want is just stupid. Can also forget about powering up multiple characters due to the current costs and alts not getting a price reduction.

Stop being so stubborn about this and nerf the upgrade costs.


Giga yikes.

trash company


yeah guys just play 16 hours per day like this jobless loser and you too can earn 100k per day!


Unless they refund us there is significant cost. 38.5k bronze per level means upgrading your gear even a few tiers up cost you a lot of cosmetics. This affects all players who have upgraded their gear not just people who are maxed.


Clutching Defeat from the jaws of Victory.