WoW related Jokes

I take no credit for this
This has been living rent free in my head since the original Burning Crusade.

Youll find this in old Archived forum records…

This is sung to the tune of the theme song to Freash Prince of Bel-Air

Now, this is a story all about how,
My mage got flipped, got turned upside down
And I like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I’ll tell you how I become the gimp
Of arena bracket pair

In West Tristfall glads, dead amd raised
On the battlegrounds is where i spent most of my days
Chillen, nuking, and shattering blastwave
And conjurin’ some water outside the cave
When a couple of Devs
Who were up to no good
Started nerfing everything in the nieghbourhood
I asked for one little buff, and they all got scared
Saying “We’re giving you diminishing returns on your snares”

I whistled for a cab, and when it came near
The license plate said cash, and it had bombs in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I said, “Yo, Tvsarik, this aint fair!”

I pulled up to the forums around 7 or 8
And I yelled to the cabbie, “Time is money friend”
I looked at my kingdom,
I was finally there
To cry on the forums, but blizzard dont care

Edit: Clarification. We used to have class devs post on the forums alot more. Tvsarik used to be the mage one


Ahh i get the punchline now, it’s not wow related because they don’t have Mage Light spells, but The Elder Scrolls games does. :slight_smile:

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Yo mama is so fat that even frostmourne wasn’t that hungry.


Azeroth is so small… Blizz ran out of places for new content. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


How many Druids does it take to chase a cat up a tree?

One to be the cat, one to be the tree, and one to do the chasing.


Yo mama so far when deathwing saw her, he went “Daaaamn!”

yo mama so fat, cuz she ate all your chili fries.

yo mama so fat, when she ate the dragon fire chili, she caused the cataclysm.

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yo mama so fat from eating chili fries , my rogue has to use shadowstep 8 times in a row

How many Worgen druids does it take to chase a cat up a tree?

Three. One to be the cat, one to be the tree and one to do the chasing.

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What do rogues and noobs have in common?

They both pick lock

The game itself.

whats the difference between a belf and a nelf?

well one doesn’t start an argument for existing.

How many Rogues does it take to gank a Paladin?

Two. 1 to start the fight, and the other to wait at the inn.

What did the guardian Druid teacher say to his students?

“Bear with me”.

Did you hear about Gul’dan?
He fel.


Why do heroic raiders smell bad?
– Because they never wipe.

What is the sound a GM makes when answering a ticket?
– I don’t know, but I will tell in 37 days when I get a response.


How many devs does it take to change a lightbulb?

None. They’ll nerf the darkness next patch.

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Yo mamas so fat, it takes 15 Death Knights to death grip her :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: