Wow pet battles copying Hearthstone

Wow Wq pet battles: Access to over one thousand pets and 99% of those pets will never be used. A complete fail in my eyes. What is the fun with using the same exact 3 pets to complete basically 80% of the Wq in azeroth. Such a waste.
Hearth Stone: A player has access to over a thousand cards. But around 75% of those cards are never used.
They give no reason for anyone to want to go out and collect pets. The achievements (especially the pvp ones) are just time fodder. You get no satisfaction for completing them and therefore no initiative to ever want to.
At minimum they should give a toon experience for winning or losing a pvp pet battle. No one wants to sit there on a max lv toon and farm pet pvp. As I said time fodder and its just getting old with the lack of imagination with pet battles.

No fun and zero desire for anyone to go out and collect pets like some of us have.
btw: can say the same about archeology. I have tons of BOA items that Ive never used. Again time fodder.
Im actually getting myself more disappointed as Im typing this. ugh… Enjoy.

Speaking personally…

I collect these things for the sake of collecting them. Nothing more. Nothing less.


I can’t speak for others, but this is how I see it.

Pet Battle WQ in Naz are just part of what I’m trying to do there. Time is limited. WQ are scattered hither and yon. I started working on 8.2 a couple of weeks late due to login issues so I can’t fly yet. Some WQ are a pain because of mob density, drop rate, competition with other players. So do I really want to see if I can come up with a team to beat a Legendary pet using a Twilight Fiendling?

I know a lot of players are using the “Ikky Shuffle”, but I have my own version of it. I settled on using it after dying while trying to choose a team (one WQ is located in front of a rare spawn). These are quests I can compete quickly so I can move on to others that will take time.

Toward the end of the last expansion, I started a project I called “No Pet Left Behind”. Basically I wanted to win at least 1 PvP battle with every pet. I got through the letter A before BFA dropped. At that point I switched over to devising teams with just BFA pets.

I could just use 2 powerful pets like Wicked Soul and Anubiseth Idol and add a 3rd. But instead I just threw together teams that seemed like they might work. I also wanted to use pets that weren’t on existing teams. I really don’t want 1200 different teams. No matter what, it would take over 300 unique teams to accomplish the goal. That’s a lot.

But this isn’t something I feel any time pressure on. It’s just something to strive for over the long haul. And while it can be frustrating, getting a win with a little used pet is kind of cool.

While sites like Wowhead and Xu-Fu’s are helpful when you get stuck, they also rob you of the very thing that makes a game fun. Devising a way to overcome an obstacle is what provides satisfaction. Following someone else’s directions is more like a job. I think that’s the reason a lot of people aren’t happy with the game.

Ultimately, we pick our battles. I don’t go to the guides unless I really can’t figure out how to beat something. But if I’m out of ideas or falling asleep, I will absolutely steal another players strategy. But you can’t do it all the time. Otherwise you aren’t playing a game, you’re just following directions.


When pet battles first came out I was 50/50 on it…I tried it a bit but it was just not my thing…then came WoD and Legion and professions killed off mostly to make gold…that is when I turned too Pet Battles and cause of going hog wild on getting them I am No#3 on my realm for most pets collected…add in fact that many of hard to get rares have made me millions of gold on the AH.

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I think they’re at least doing a good job of adding different pets with more unique set ups vs umpteenth version of a roach. And get one of those chitterlings…

You actually use a lot of pets in dungeons because you can’t heal after one fight.