WoW on console confirmed?

“LFM 1 tank and 2 healers, no console players!”

You’d see that.


Provided it is kept away from the PC version, wouldn’t give a damn.

that would require entirely new server towers and more space for housing them as well as extra staff to maintain etc which Blizzard would undoubtedly see it as too much of a financial risk that wouldn’t guarantee a return on their money they invested into it

So your saying that can’t do something that for example, Ubisoft does with The Divsion games? Interesting…

not a question of cant more like would they consider it unless they knew for sure itll bring them a return on their investment

I guess it wouldn’t be too bad if they are restricted to a console only realm and completely separated from normal players.

“Laughs in FF and people killing mythic raids with controller”

You do realize you can have access to 40+ key binds easy with a controller if needed?

FF was designed with consoles in mind from the ground up, WoW is not.

And yet it still works great with one. People have cleared the hardest content in the game (mythic) using one.

Where’s the source?

wasn’t carried either. Always in the top 5 ended in first thanks to deaths and that stupid ret buff lol.

Healing with a controller sucks in both games though.

If the new Xbox comes with a Xbox Keyboard and Mouse then it’s just a really inexpensive gaming computer.

It’s only one person and it’s playing faceroll melee DPS. Try a whole group or hell even one healer getting away with a controller.

I did say healing sucks in both games using a controller. DPS/Tanking works well with one though.

You can already hook up a keyboard and mouse to both PS and Xbox right now, it’s just up to the game if they use them.

Movement on a controller is much smoother and superior with the joystick. Don’t tell me you never take your fingers off WASD, and it negatively impacts movement when you do much of the time.

The only thing worse for controller healing is it takes longer to target a party member if they are farther down the list. You have to cycle through players with a dpad. Targeting mobs is easy as you cycle with L1 like tab on a KB.