WoW Needs More Cute Mogs

I can’t be cute in my moonkin form that is why I need a tutu and a hair bow. I need props. I can’t wear a purple dress to be cute ; (

I’ve never understood the transmog restrictions or the lack there of in this game. That is such an easy layup it isn’t even remotely funny. Out of all the things they could do with this game, that is one of the few things that hardly anyone would have objections over. Blizzard truly is insane for not going that route.

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There’s an air of needless pretentiousness to it a lot of the time. It’s one of the reasons 5 and 9 were so popular, they felt a lot more lighthearted and…I dunno, honest.

Let me get back to you after I finish emptying my entire gastro-intestinal tract. And replace my corneas, the bleach didn’t really help after all.

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How rude!


Now, my optometrist’s bill… that’s rude.

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Listen to this guy. I’ve been to ffxiv as well. I had a “moderate” transmog collection. Some days I would log in for 8 hours and create 1.5 outfits; I would need to rest my mind before I’d be able to adequately put the finishing touches on my warrior girl outfit. I missed my son’s birth because I was grinding out more glamour gear, but also because I don’t have a son.

Fashion options are a dark, winding, and treacherous road. There is no more endgame once fashion is introduced. There are only outfits.

Options never hurt. Why not?

I whole-heartedly support this thread.

Let us have Harajuku-esque colour palletes, and some wild accessories.

I am all for any mog that isn’t a full tier set. Show me some personality.


You’re right. This is the closest mog I have to cute. It’s nice during noblegarden when I can mog the horns to bunny ears though!

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Ah, I see you are a monk of culture as well.

I could be very wrong about this and if blizz wanted to comment to clear things up I would love to hear it but years ago at a blizzcon it was asked for more sexy mogs and they gave a run around answer. It sounds to me like they seem to be avoiding upsetting two camps, first it would be sexist to only have this kind of stuff for female charactes so in order to make that right than they need to add stuff like that for the male characters which would upset some people who dont want that in their war themed mmo game.

They just allowed people to remove their chest piece through mog. Last time I checked, it wasn’t too healthy to go into battle with no chest armor. Also, it would be for both sexes because there wouldn’t be a point to do it only for one. There could be some weird issue with the actual develop side of things but I have a tendency to learn towards the “we don’t want to spend the resources on it” sort of thing. Like I said, it just seems odd not to do it considering it would be one of the few things nearly everyone would get behind.

Well you are right, it would be pretty appealing to at least a lot of people. There is this subset of people in this game though that hate the idea of having that kind of stuff in the game.

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About as cute as it gets :wink:

Except for my cold, dead eyes…

Compare with my Dragoon Lancer, in FFXIV, with the choir festival/whatever mog (where you can mog the holiday stuff all year)

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