WoW needs a Duck pet

The closest thing I can find to a duck is the ash chicken… Looks like a runner duck.

Yeah, I went after that one when I saw the model in Searing Gorge after Cata.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look much like a chicken, but we have other chickens that do.

What we need is a duck. Not something like a duck. Not duck-adjacent. A duck.

Ducks please.

I also support polymorph fruit or a fruit basket :watermelon::lemon::avocado::banana:

No Ducks?

Actual picture of me expressing my outrage.



Make it Ferocity and it’s Primal Rage ability something to do with Donald Duck’s temper.

Well that’s an extremely slow floppy drive and a good band.

Blizzard we want DUCKS…duck mount and duck battle pet and duck hunters pet…

Yea duck hunters pet with a nice dwarf tmog would be cool :sunglasses:
Beastial wrath duck

Now I feel like hunters should get some sort of Elmer Fudd transmog.

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And a mountable duck innertube to can transverse the waters.

Why no Polymorph: Duck though? Then I could /macro quote MF DOOM:

“Now I bust how he got this duck for his re-up”

If you’ve seen his latest iteration he wields a scythe instead of a shotgun, swear not making this up, if they just put the hat in game the scythes are waiting as are the lumberjack shirts.

Because being the grim reaper is so much more kid friendly than just being a dumb wabbit hunter with a firearm.

So I can make duck jokes?

Get on my Holy pally so I have a Holy Duck :laughing:

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Fully supporting the duck movement :duck:

I would totally want this attack for my duck hunter companion:

That would also be a fabulous addition, truth be told.


I would say we could have a “Sick Duck” pet, but so many people might find it offensive.

I never noticed this. We have turkeys, chickens, peacocks, even a kakapo, but no duck? Is there a goose or a swan anywhere? Actually, what I really want is a hummingbird. Make a Petey recolor as a battlepet, please.

NO it’s wabbit season!

We have enough rabbits…we need DUCKS