It’s a general issue where not everyone is affected as per the explainations of the memory leak in this very thread you had to reply to, but have no knowledge on. Grow up.
A memory leak is caused by a program allocating memory and not releasing it. Every time that operation occurs, more memory is consumed and can cause poor performane and eventually a crash. Sloppy programming is the root cause.
It’s worth a mention that I switched out my 1080 Ti for a 3080 Ti and I’m still having this memory leak issue.
The only temporary workaround for me is to open Resource Monitor, at which point the system goes, “OH, some programs stopped using this reserved memory, okay!” I’d prefer a permanent fix, personally.
Memory leaks are a kind of bug where because a program isn’t properly divesting unused RAM but keeps calling up more RAM to be used, it triggers a death spiral till the program in question crashes.
No clue. All I know is once it reaches a ridiculously high number my frames start dropping to like 2-3FPS and then it crashes soon after and the PC freezes.
I use AMD not nVidiA. So It’s not a nVidiA only issue.
It’s more like a hoarder’s house filling up. You allegedly have the same 1600 square feet you always did, but an ever-increasing fraction is full of cruft you can’t muster the will to throw away.
Because it isn’t all ram, it’s growing the committed memory using a paging file. I have 64gb of ram but if running a bunch of different things can end up with a commit size over 100gb