WOW loads guild news for thousands of times upon entering the world

The QueryGuildNews() code in the WOW official UI posts the event GUILD_NEWS_UPDATE for thousands of times every time you enter the world or switch zones, depending on the size of your guild. During this time, your game processes up to 140 million guild news.

It reminds me of the bug in GTA V that loads the user profile json for 1984531500 times when opening the game.

Quoted from ngabbs tid 42399961.

Blizzard official UI code in wow-ui-source/Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_Communities/GuildNews.lua

function CommunitiesGuildNewsFrame_OnEvent(self, event)
	if event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then
		if ( self:IsShown() ) then

That’s probably why many people get lags since TWW.

How to fix:

You may create a custom addon with such code:


local BLZCommunitiesGuildNewsFrame_OnEvent = CommunitiesGuildNewsFrame_OnEvent
local newsRequireUpdate, newsTimer
CommunitiesFrameGuildDetailsFrameNews:SetScript("OnEvent", function(frame, event)
    if event == "GUILD_NEWS_UPDATE" then
        if newsTimer then
            newsRequireUpdate = true
            BLZCommunitiesGuildNewsFrame_OnEvent(frame, event)
            -- Update guild news only for once 1 sec after entering world.
            newsTimer = C_Timer.NewTimer(1, function()
                if newsRequireUpdate then
                    BLZCommunitiesGuildNewsFrame_OnEvent(frame, event)
                newsTimer = nil
        BLZCommunitiesGuildNewsFrame_OnEvent(frame, event)

… or wait for Blizzard to fix it.

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The CommunitiesGuildNewsFrame_OnEvent function looks completely fine and isn’t the problem.

The problem is why is the event being triggered so many times? Is it some kind of event being triggered on new frame(graphical frame rate) during some other kind of timer or delay that would normally act as a cutoff to stop it? Is it some async race condition between CPU threads? Lots of other potential reasons.

While the code in the fix will partially mitigate it, the function is still going to continue to be called, granted the branching of the logic will reduce the severity and save it from polling the information.

That was due to how they handled parsing the save file, which if I remember right was essentially doing an extremely inefficient loop where at each step it was recounting all the previous entries in the database. So something like 0, 0+1, 0+1+2, 0+1+2+3, 0+1+2+3+4+… or maybe from the last index counting downward(some kind of pyramid summation or something along those lines basically). It worked fine when the max index was below a certain size, but then they added thousands of items to the game so next thing you know: five extra minutes tacked onto a load screen on a single threaded operation.

Probably members going online and offline, since it seems to only be affecting people in really large guilds.

Yeah but even still, that shouldn’t be triggering 140 million events, even with a full guild, unless there’s some kind of issue like I mentioned about threading tasks and race conditions. Even if you had a 1000 person guild, that would still mean there would be 140k event triggers per guild member. I suppose there could also just be some massive bug in some set of nested loops or something along those lines though. Or it could be some unintentional factorial combination problem.

Either way, we can only speculate since those events are being triggered server-side and that portion of the problem is a black-box for us.

I passed it along to the channels I can. We’ll see where it goes…

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