WoW keeps replacing its leaders with generic figureheads - here's why it's a problem

You don’t like them baking all the flavor out of your faction in favor of depressed tag-alongs? You monster, Frisbee!


What? Dude, you’re not excited for the Gazlow walk of shame into undermine where he takes full responsibility for the actions of Gallywix even though they weren’t even in the same cartel? Where he has sincere remorse on his face, pained by what he as a representative of this cartel, didn’t personally do. And through that expression, he shames everyone who enjoyed playing greedy little would-be trade princes. You’re not psyched for that?


I main BDK.
I’ve soloed Baine, Tyrande, and Sylvanas.
The idea that this zergling rush could’ve done anything at all to me is laughable.

But as magni, dagran, and moira, have shown: Earthen are just dwarf content.

So my reaction to Bael dying was just:


Gazlowe cares about the well-being of his workers because it’s good for business. There’s an entire short story where he argues with more traditionalist goblins about how cutting corners and abusing your workers leads to worse results and less profit overall.

This is basic ferengi rules of acquisition stuff.

Why is it flummoxing people that Gazlowe is the Ignaz Semmelweis of his people? He’s an oddball who’s trying to make things better even when no one else believes him. He’s unique.

(as opposed to Gallywix who is practically a scooby doo villain)

You know why people liked Gallywix? He was acting perfect at the one thing Goblins are good at. No it’s not engineering.

We already have mr nice Guy from other races.


Take your pick.

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If Gazlowe is to remain the leader of the Bilgewater (I don’t think he should) then he needs to be defined beyond his polar opposition to Gallywix

Being the One Good Guy is not enough for a character to be compelling actually


I do agree that nice isn’t the same thing as good. And good doesn’t have to automatically mean boring. That’s an issue of writing execution.

The problem is that all of the “he’s a prick but he’s on your side” characters keep getting villain-batted or dying, leading to a narrative soup of the Azerothian Super Friends who are one big happy faaaamily. Characters like Anduin and Thrall were interesting because they were surrounded by people who contrast with them and challenge their peaceful viewpoints (Genn, Garrosh, Varian, Grom).

A character having the slightest bit of bite is practically a death flag nowadays.


Agreed that these characters wouldn’t be nearly as annoying if their moral and narrative hegemony was challenged by actual, credible countermodels that provide the player with an alternative vision. But right now they rule uncontested over their respective groups (you can add Baine to the list btw) and really suck the air out of the room.

The whole of the Gazlowe short story was him solving all of Noggenfogger’s problems by going "Have you tried being nice ? :wink: " like ewww nope, sorry but nope, I’ll pass.


Honestly? The technology exists to make the PC the racial leader of their race and let these casts of interesting characters just be what they are. For Gobbos specifically, Gazlowe is a slap in the face because YOU were next in line to be Trade Prince. Thrall arbitrarily picked Gallywix and passed you over for promotion, without understanding the cartel structure at all! And now GAZLOWE?!! I’m filing a grievance.

You can make it like Fable 3 with options to choose between two or more advisors to go with on various choices for your racial faction, and that affects your racial capital version of the garrison.

And just make the cannon narrative follow these interesting characters that don’t have to be the regional governors of their race. They can just be figurehead kings and powerful shamans and the trade Prince of the Steamwheedle cartel. The Queen of Gilneas doesn’t have to be the Worgen leader, since she’s not a Worgen.

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I don’t even understand Baine’s role in the story aside from being an Alliance plant who suffers from end-stage fatal Worf Effect Syndrome.


That kinda is his role, its to be the guy who looks into the camera sad and guilt people into not fighting just like anduin, it doesn’t help that the literal only time he is able to not be this is when fighting centaurs.


Gazlow wasn’t even part of Bilgewater. He was part of the Steemwheedle Cartel.

It’s like Tyrande crowning Darius Crowley King of Stormwind.


An expansion that focuses on racial factions again, zooms the story in and makes you the leader you can’t hate, would make me a little less jaded.

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It’s okay. Blizzard forgot to as well.


He also could have just cast his own lightning spells at the barrel instead of suicide bombing for literally no reason.