You’re probably right. I just wanted to suggest things that might grow the player base for new players using friends and family experience starting/returning to this game.
New content is always going to be “harder” or “intimidating” (for some). If I went from playing Cribbage and Chess and jumped straight into FFXIV, am I going to know what I’m doing? No. Welcome to the life of a new/returnee.
It’s the same for both WoW and FFXIV. If you started with WoW or are used to MMORPGs, FF will come off as easier and “lite mode”. If you started with FF, WoW will have its upsides as well
Yep you are probably right. If/once i get kicked in ff14 ill probably agree with you but right now wow it is way tougher to do stuff in my personal experience.
No offense, but one shouldn’t base how hard a game is on getting kicked from queue-able content or not, but game mechanics and adaptability and what not
If getting kicked from a group is how we are gauging difficulty, then WoW has it pretty good.
FFXIV cracks me up. It got a new raid tier on a few weeks ago and there’s already copium video on Youtube from a fanboy justifying why FFXIV’s content drought is somehow good for the game (I’m guessing based on what other people have paraphrased that he argues that the lack of content in the game “lets him play other games” which seems utterly hilarious to me).
Tried FFXIV, it’s just not good. It’s a shame because I love the Final Fantasy IP, I’ve played every Final Fantasy except II and III (the Japanese II and III I mean).
How long ago was 9.1 again?
Ironically the FF14 devs agree with what you’re saying. They don’t want people to be subbed 24/7 365 days drudging through content droughts if they are noting enjoying the game.
What you’re saying is right but honestly its out of my control me and others feel. I think you’re misinterpreting what I meant to say in case you didn’t read the OP. I want this game easier/casual friendly/accessible/enjoyable but most importantly I was this game to be friendly to new/returning/casual players just trying to have fun… regardless if skill level
Edit I hope in stead of I want.
The vast majority of this game is easy, too easy. It’s also incredibly accessible, again, possibly too much.
New players are the only people that have it bad in this game because it sends you directly into BFA and you have no dang clue what is going on.
that all comes down to what the person finds enjoyment in. The combat in WoW has been my favorite across all MMORPGs I’ve tried.
So it’ll always be WoW > others. Skill is not required to go fight some mob and have fun for me.
None of that requires me to queue for content, or learn the systems, or try to increase my gear to mythic raid levels.
The game is super casual friendly as it is. But like going into any game you’re unfamiliar with (for whatever reason), you’re going to need to do a little research. Talk to a few people, ask a few questions to get you pointed in the right direction.
Holds true for WoW and FFXIV. FFXIV is just overall “easier” (ymmv). If people want “easy/ier”, then yes, I would suggest FFXIV. If people want a better overall game (again, ymmv), then I’d suggest WoW
That’s kind of my point in a sense. WoW patches at least last multiple months before they go stale. The idea of FFXIV running into a content drought mere weeks after a new raid comes out because the content is way too sparse and way too easy for how little of it there gives me a hearty chuckle when people legitimately compare it as a competitor to WoW. They’re not competitors in that sense. FFXIV is a game that exists, and WoW is a game that exists, and humans can only spend their time doing one thing or another so I guess in the “attention economy” that makes them technically competing for your time, but they’re not the same type of game.
Yes, this is probably the worst part for new and returning players. There are Guides to answer questions and jump in and help if necessary. But Guides do not make up for the fact that new players, and low level players, are put into content that was designed for end-game players. The dungeons, for example, have mechanics that demand a robust tool kit and many classes don’t get their interrupts until more than halfway through their leveling journey.
But other than that, the game is more accessible and easy than ever before, particularly open world content. The biggest wall new players face is waving at Gorgroth.
I’m not even sure what that means considering people are still running savage and we are about to get the next patch in early March most likely lol.
Yep i never said the game was to hard. All casual content can be cleared by almost any group. But after 1 wipe in lfr all to often the low dps get singled out and kicked. This has never happened to me but I’ve seen it happen all to many times to others. Honestly seeing newbies and casuals get kicked bugs me more then when I get kicked myself.
That has nothing to do with the game.
I also play FF14 and mostly agree with you.
Yeah their endgame isn’t anything special. Their true grab and hold is for that casual base that wants to play through a story line and not worried about being competitive or taking on challenges
Haha finally someone agrees with me. I hope both games flourish so all people can have fun!
LFR is usually the only raiding I do these days, and almost no one gets kicked. People are more inclined to leave of their own volition after 1 wipe in LFR. The ones that stay usually do so because LFR bosses get easier with each wipe. It’s very important that even if you are uninformed, you aren’t misinforming others.