don’t take this the wrong way, but there is little rpg in the game if there isn’t a good story or lore and at the end of the day this game is an mmorpg, if you don’t want to invest in history maybe you should change its category. On the other hand, downplaying the story just because there is a group that does not consider it important only reduces the quality of the game, the game should have a little of everything with a minimum standard to be able to prosper with a wide base of players, otherwise it would be a niche game.
FFXIV players would not even be in this forum if they did not also play WoW, it is not FFXIV players who complain about the story, they are WoW players who also play FFXIV and have seen the difference in narrative level , and who still love both Warcraft and IP that they want something higher level, they want something that does justice to the IP and the money they put into it.
in the end you will never know until you try it, and trying something new is never a waste of time, maybe you should run less and walk more.
I personally started playing FFXIV on 06/2021, so far it’s been a great experience and the only reason I keep bothering here is because I want WoW to be better. FFXIV and WoW are incompatible in several aspects, but there are others where both could learn a lot from each other, unfortunately I think that at this precise moment WoW can learn more from FFXIV than the other way around
I prefer character models and gear models (see: not skin textures) in FFXIV. But WoW has more consistently good environments. FFXIV environments can sometimes look VERY dated, especially with rocks/mountains. They fill the zones out well with lots of doodads and things to look at, but look too close at the actual terrain and its typically worse than WoW in that department. The prettiest zone in the current xpack is a few slabs of 100% flat grass, if that says anything.
WoW tends to have better terrain, by a lot, but it can look kind of “bare” in comparison sometimes. Not always. And while character models are definitely more diverse, by far, they also just don’t look as good and aren’t as expressive (more of an emote vs art thing, but still). And there’s the skinpaint chestpieces all over the place.
There doesn’t need to be a strong story/lore in the game for it to be an RPG. An RPG is primarily character development. Games just so happen to need a story to justify why a character is doing anything. It doesn’t have to be good.
You ignored the rest of that paragraph and the premise of my entire post.
You can make assumptions and judgements to prevent your time being wasted. I knew already I would dislike FFXIV’s story given the player base. When I sat down to do it out of never-ending persistence from my peers, the outcome was disappointment for both of us.
There’s nothing wrong with understanding your story is not for everyone. I recommended WoW to my FFXIV pals on the off chance they might want to see what FF can do better. They outright refused and I dropped the point going forward. Their beloved story is apparently different.
No, I don’t want to read a JRPG story. No, I don’t want to watch anime. Yes, they should understand many people are the same.
FF14 has some pretty gnarly gear textures as well. I’ve had plenty of gloves and chest pieces that were really never meant to be viewed any closer than max camera distance, which wouldn’t be a problem if the game didn’t have so many cutscenes that featured close-up camera perspectives on my character. Suddenly the low resolution texture on all my gear becomes incredibly obvious. I’ve even had this happen on gear from content as recent as Shadowbringers.
I know exactly what ilvl dungeon gear is at, having run far more than any player probably should have.
Quest gear is horrible, doubly because players get so little now that leveling is so fast that their ilvls are often 10 lower than their levels.
Players who level in dungeons have better gear not so much because of the drops but because of the guaranteed satchel that is at the same ilvl as dungeon drops. If you’re 30+ doing a dungeon, you also get a “chest” upon completion that often contains a weapon.
I’m not sure what could be done to address this disparity between quest gear and dungeon gear, but considering they are attempting to address the problem of even dungeon gear, they should probably do something.
I also think every leveling dungeon completion should award a satchel, not just the expansions that currently do.
The idea that those people who have no heirlooms won’t be struggling with their really bad gear is clueless. I see a lot of them struggling to kill things. I help people out a lot.
Console limitations. One of the downsides to having the game on multiple platforms. Supposedly they are supposed to slowly start improving things here and there now that they are on PS5.
Being on the PS5 is actually less relevant than the fact that they still support the PS4. So they’ll always be held back by the fact that they need to be able to run on a PS4. That’s why dropping PS3 support for Stormblood was such a large performance increase.
Credit where it’s due though, I didn’t think an MMO with a controller was possible but FF14 pulls it off much better than I expected.
the classic RPGs that really remained in history have been those with great history, the gameplay have always been copy-pasted from each other with some occasional innovation. Pure RPGs are almost non-existent today, and what you describe as rpg is done by many games without even being classified as such, in the end good RPGs always have a balance between gameplay and story, both need a minimum of quality and one cannot exist without the other to be a true rpg.
RPG stands for Role Play Game, you assume the role of a character in a story, that is what the acronym implies, therefore to say that the story is not important is to go against the meaning itself.
Awwww you seem disgruntled because FFXIV sucks and you have to defend it. No clue why you are on the WoW forums nor playing WoW but probably best if you stick to your FFXIV. LMAO
The only way I can see banners not showing for job quests is if you don’t have your soul equipped. I.e. you’re thaumaturge instead of being a black mage. Then, I think the quests wouldn’t show up.
I love Japanese culture, narrative, poetry, cinema, cuisine (I think it’s the best along the Italian) and in part even music. I like good manga and good anime. FF14, for me, is bad anime. Bad as story in itself, and terrible in the delivery.
If I had to single anything FF14 does much better than WoW, would be the male character models. By the way, my fav moment in the game was the solo scenario where I had to fight Raubahn, my fav character in FF14, in one to one combat. Good idea, and very well done.
Ah you’re taking the literal route. Seems to be a commonly used tactic here. I’ll concede to that. Rather not debate connotation against denotation.
Ouch, an anime/Japan enthusiast and you still don’t like the story? That’s a first for me.
Something I keep in mind when reading a book, watching a show, or playing a game, is the presentation of everything. FFXIV’s presentation was downright awful. Run here, run there, watch a visual novel segment, run again, watch another segment, uncanny valley moments, little to no gameplay, etc etc.
It was the first thing that irked me. I put it all aside for the most part but it was definitely a thing. Maybe that’s what affected you as well? As far as telling a story, and doing so well, it dropped the ball for me.
I’d be shocked if I haven’t run at least 4x as many dungeons as you, if not more. I’ve also leveled more toons than a large percentage of the population (if I didn’t have my data locked down, I am within the top 50 Alt Scores on dataforazeroth (22 60’s, 55 in the 50-59 range, and another 14 in the 25-49 range, by own calculation I’m at 4681)).
I’ve leveled toons via questing, dungeons, following guides, you name it. I’m always looking for something different to “change it up.” I’ve done it with heirlooms, without heirlooms, I’ve done it naked, you name it, and honestly I have never had an issue leveling.
I get what you’re saying here, but at least from what I’ve seen, it’s never been a “gear” problem per se. Maybe it’s a new player, maybe it’s a new class for them, etc. You see these same people in dungeons, heck even in M+ at top level (the guy with a 2k rio score doing 1.2k DPS overall and 20+ deaths in a single run). But I don’t believe that leveling has really ever been a gear issue.
You are right about the importance of delivery. It’s so messy and fragmented in FF14 that following the story is hard, and painful.
But the story itself does not shine. If it did, it could still be effective despite the delivery.
I have played RP games practically all my life, and did so much before computer games even existed. Yes, I am old that way.
However, RPG you does not mean that you assume the role of a character in a story. It means that you assume the role of a character that is not yourself, with a strong focus on your behaviour and/or development. A premade story is absolutely optional.
“Hardcore” (I don’t mean Moon Guard) role players will usually ignore, or nearly ignore, the official story, and create their own.
Yeah, I agree. I play FF14, definitely like it more than WoW. I’ve played this game since it’s inception and it’s disappointing how they refuse to listen to us and only listen to a few hundred folks. What a way to have this game fold.
The story suffers from 10 years of being dragged out with different writers who either retcon things or try to tie those things into the current story with varying levels of success.
The story post Heaven’s Ward main game suffers from the Scions and WoL having massive amounts of plot armor. One of the characters literally died or had fake deaths about 4-5 times and kept being brought back because she was popular. None of the female main characters got any character development besides one who was immediately sidelined and not a part of the main group anymore.
They keep messing with the power level of the Warrior of light. In some cases they’re unstoppable god killers. But in the case of Stormblood they get slapped down easily by some nobody who is later defeated in his powered up form without the WoL ever training.
Shadowbringers was worse where a literal random guy proceeds to beat the WoL and the scions all at the same time with no effort. But then gets beaten by one of the scions and later loses to the WoL after powering up.
Heck the actual FFXIV forum has a 100 page discussion going over all the plot holes, stories that lead no where, and rushed story of the current expansion and why having 3 different types of time travel in the same story that conflicts with each other is a horrible idea. Plus how one of the characters pulled genocide on a scale beyond Sylvanas but everyone is treating her like a hero.
Then there is the problem that most of the story is just so boring with a few shock scenes put in to try and make people ignore you just spent over an hour watching people talk about the types of dresses to where. Compared to actual RPGs like Fire Emblem series,other FF games, Xenosaga etc the actual FFXIV story is about average overall but is above average because it gets compared to MMO stories.