WoW Is Back!

Thank you Mr Ultimate Entitled Raider. the guy who begrudges a 5 ilvl upgrade on a single piece of gear for a casual who is more dedicated to the game than him.

True, but to be fair that’s been an issue for a while now, especially with Cataclysm and their handling of the faction leaders.

Like i said, you can get 15 ilvl upgrades on all your pieces and you wont improve your gameplay, guaranteed, BUT that single 5 ilvl upgrade on a piece that i didnt want was reason enough for another raider from my core to miss an upgrade, so yeah, good riddance.

And like i said, stop using the word casual, you arent a casual, you are an entitled kid that got his little wf/tf removed, casuals will keep playing the game as it is.

No it was a well known issue within the playerbase. Also raiders are in the minority? Based on what? Because I could pull up a few websites that state the direct opposite.

Hence where we come to this issue. The people who hate tf/wf getting kicked out and people who love it are pulling numbers out of nowhere. In reality its probably alot closer then you think in terms of those who love tf/wf being removed otherwise it wouldnt have been such a hotly debated topic for anywhere near as long. People who hate something they like being changed will always make blatantly false claims in order to protect said thing

Imagine what these forums would look like if LFR were removed. No THAT is a battle I wanna see

Only if they’re munchkins :stuck_out_tongue: [loot hoarders] Personally I like the chance of getting a drop if I get to raid this time around,personal loot can be a boon. If they cave to the neckbeards and get rid of LFR though [HIGHLY unlikely] then FF14 will be my only subbed MMO.

They are attempting to revert back to the ‘Classic WoW’ model, which in my opinion is the best model, due to its popularity.

I think it’s a step in the right direction.

Remember when WoW was so popular, Blizzard had to tell players to “take breaks”? Yeah, well with their systems like BFA, it was clear they didn’t want you to be able to log-off with all of their grinding incentives to keep you hooked.

On one hand, they speed up everything else to get you to max level and on other hand they purposely slow you down once you reach it.


RNG is fine if you know, you’ll eventually get something with your time and effort.

Lottery RNG is not fun at all (random stats, same item being stronger than someone else’s…because) and only put there to put pressure on you to play more. It’s not “hardcore”. It’s tedious and boring.

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Personally I agree. RNG in of itself is fine. The sheer amount of it in BFA is incredibly stupid

Not to mention player choice matters again, very excited myself.

Especially after past lies they’ve spread.

“You’ll get this.” and then do a single tweet saying “oh, we can’t do that.” instead of having the balls to say it to the forums. The forums should be the FIRST source of news for WoW stuff, NOT the last.

Also “probably” and “we’d like” is stuff that they can abandon because its not written in stone. It’s lip service until we see it datamined.


Exactly. Because at max level we are DEPENDANT on gear to progress. So unless they have given Crafting a seriously needed boost on top of guaranteed sources of gear, “less loot drops” will only make it HARDER to progress, not easier.

Less Gear dropping means more time spent trying to get upgrades.

Unless they have an upgrade system for all gear (including trinkets, rings and weapons). And even then, where do the upgrade items come from? They have to keep players busy, so they’re not going to make it easy to upgrade gear (if they go with an upgrade system) so there will either be a heavy grind or there will be rng.

Yeah, less drops has all sorts of dangers attached to it.

I always hated it same with my wife she hates it as well lol!

Can casual battleground players have PVP vendors for Honor?

A lot of us were hoping that the one take-away from classic would be Blizzard remembering some elements that made WoW the mmorpg titan it is. I know a lot of people hear that and get worried that the game will turn into classic, but if we take things like meaningful gear (which is important to content as it acts as reward/incentive) and putting class before spec (which again class design is important as its the vehicle we experience the game). So at the very least, the direction is looking to be more positive then the situation we were looking at going into BfA. At this point we can only hope they can land the plane.


I was hoping they would learn that the game was more about world building and stories than gearing systems pure focus on end game progression. More of the emotional side of why people play RPGs and less on the “well improving this number by 3 points will make it more effective”.

The game is too mechanical. You can tell by whoever made the decision to make Sylvanas the focus for what 3 expansions now? Everyone hated Thrall by that many, it seems like the devs didnt learn their lesson

You clear content for that level of loot. There isn’t an upgrade system. Instead of bags full of non WF/TF/socket/corruption gear you get gear. You know like it was years ago before added extra rng systems.

Less loot but the loot is more meaningful since you don’t have to pray its not a plain piece.

Think that was the goal of covenants. Much of the game revolves around that decision including the endgame story.

Sadly I don’t see them changing on that front as WoW’s lore is driven by the “rule of cool”. I too enjoyed the more world building narrative that I got in classic, but they’ve gone too far with the story at this point, and seem to have found their lane. The best I can hope for is that things at least make sense, or to not run characters into the ground.

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Looks at sylvanas… yeah, I sure hope we dont see another trainwreck like that again

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i really hope so love this game and want to to come back like it was