WoW is an elitist mess

All classes and specs are viable for all content, stop this nonsense

What a perfect example of what this thread is trying to illustrate.


Says all you need to know that your post gets flagged. Lol.

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Didn’t you know, if you aren’t top 3 you are completely unviable.

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Here I was thinking that nearly every piece of data they collected related to player behavior from subscriptions, to time played, to auction house habits and trends.

Silly me.

Ironically in the “pull the ripcord” thread where players were trying to warn and gather the player base to rally against locking in powers to Covenants were then derided as, you guessed it: “elitist”. :man_facepalming:

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How do you categorize ‘elitism’ from subscriptions, time played, auction house habits… lol

I’m not sure. It must not have an impact on anything in the game if you can’t track it.

Guess it isn’t a problem.

Or maybe some things arent always found in tangible statistical data

That’s not the case though.

About 95% of the groups I play with at 15+ keys are literally Boomkin, Fire Mage, DH Tank, Monk/Rogue DPS, and MM Hunter.

You won’t see a Survival hunter doing Mythic raiding either.

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Hard to measure elitism when there’s not even a strict agreed on definition of it. Casual is much the same.

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I see. So anecdotes prove this as fact and it is unique to this one metric of player behavior.

In other words you don’t have anything but a feeling of being slighted to support it.

Seriously? Everyone gets data on peoples’ behavior. There is an entire billion dollar industry on gathering and analyzing peoples’ behavior from data gathered.

You really think a corporation like Act/Bliz would not have a dept solely devoted it?

And you’re a shadow priest timing keys over a 15 , that isn’t meta so what gives?
Dude every single spec is viable but stupid people see what classes people are using for timed 24s and what not an think well thats the only good classes which is just insane to me since more then half the player base cane even time 10s. Its just all bs

No, because I said OP was not stating fact but their own subjective opinion which I agreed with, seems like you are picking a debate with me on something I never started or mentioned.

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I’m not a Shadow Priest. I’m a Holy Priest. I just log off in Shadow sometimes because I do maw dailies.

On ‘elitism’ ? , if you really believe that then more power to you.

I see now we don’t have a dog in this fight. Guess there wasn’t a reason to contribute.

Holy aint meta either so yea but whatever dude

What fight… lol are you being defensive for no reason just to have an argument. You’re bugging the wrong person for that.