Wow Humanitarian aid for Ukraine

Wow players can now participate in helping contribute to humanitarian aid for the peoples
of the Ukraine.

This is the official Blizzard video:

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finally someone made a thread about this! thank goodness.

blizzard should really make their own threads for this kind of stuff huh




cmon man i know sarcasm is sometimes hard to read but really


…that post wasnt for you.


The Ukraine/Russian War has gone on for years now with the Ukraine civilians having entire major cities completely destroyed. The death toll is monumental and the surviving
Ukraine civilian population devastated. They need help. If by purchasing a Wow pet a portion of that goes to help feed a Ukrainian child. Or send much needed medical supplies. Then why not?

they started the war so I doubt :slight_smile:

The war isn’t being fought in Russia.

Any damages to the Russian people are being done by Russia themselves.


I don’t know if you’re serious or sarcastic, but either way that’s awful.


Thought she stopped playing wow a few years back.

Maybe after Putin falls out of a window.


That’s neat.

Well considering WoW is discontinued in Russia… likely not.

Id support that

So I guess it is ok to talk about political matters on the forum now?

Most of the threads have been deleted. Just depends on whether mods decide to do their job. They usually don’t.

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What was stopping people from donating directly and not through a third party?

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Ya know what i want to know something? Why the likes to dislikes on that video is half and half?..

Also, i was wondering who is Mila Kunis is considering her name was bought up a few times here, until i quickly realized it’s Meg from Family Guy, judging from the voice.

Unpopular opinion but you all need to do some research on why Ukraine and Russia are at odds. Also, are you seriously listening to Mila Kunis about what decisions to make in your lives? Like she lives like the rest of us? Got the same problems and all? Idiots.

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Ukraine has invaded Russia in the past, but this time Russia started it. Blizzard is only doing this to be political now. They didnt do anything like this when Iraq and Syria started their conflict and that war is still going on.