WoW has become all about gear and grinding, not skill

Gotta pump up those time played metrics! The secret is hide mandatory progression thats required for core content behind tedious grinds so as to force them to play whether or not it’s enjoyable

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OP are you going to make this post everyday. I am sorry that you don’t like the gearing system in wow.
I did not read all of this post. If you are still talking about swtor then go play it.

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What is with people assuming everyone who disagrees is defending Blizzard?

The basic mechanic of this game has been do stuff, get gear, or get gold to use to buy gear. That hasn’t changed all that much.

How exactly is this a defense of anyone?

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Best Perf. Avg (Heroic)

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It’s not, people just automatically assume if they are complaining about something in WoW, and you don’t immediately jump on the bandwagon of hate, then you’re a shill and blizzard white knight. :woman_shrugging:

People don’t actually care about issues anymore, they just wanna flash mob to the next outrage over and over again, and need to find a way to otherize other people so they can paint them as the “Enemy.”

Then they wanna complain that no one takes their complaints seriously.


That is what I was wondering. The OP made basically the same post a day ago. Let’s at least keep the discussion to a single thread so people don’t have to rehash points they already made in your other thread.


It is sad, because it shuts down what could otherwise be an informative conversation.

Oh well.

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He’s basically made the same exact post in one iteration or another multiple times in the last few days.


They don’t want an informative conversation, that’s the problem.

They wanna be a flash mob of angry outrage, and if you stop and think and not fall in line, you’re whats wrong with wow. Don’t you know?


You forgot to mention swtor multiple times.

tbh not much you can say as people only have 1 standardized piece of corrupted gear right now, I mean the raid and mythic+ season isn’t even out

There is no conversation to be had with people who refuse to understand reality and live in their own bubble where “everything is the same yo, i dont feel any difference, i dont understand why you complain, its normal”

Literally status quo warrior.jpg

You cant pretend to care about conversation when you refuse to understand or your brain is simply unable to comprehend the points someone is making.

You don’t need a 3rd party software for it. Just learn your stat priority and think a little about what you’re equipping.

Simming is for min maxing.

This just shows how ignorant you are, especailly in 8.3 when corrupted bis effects can be worth more than 50 ilvls.

You either sim or you cant know if it is an upgrade.

Blame the unneccessary four levels of raiding, and WF/TF. Ilvls for a fresh 120 (I was 192, but we’ll say 200 for the arguement) more than doubles just to get into the LFR version of raids. If we remove LFR, and make normal a queue, and make heroic mythic level, a lot of the bloat would be eliminated. We don’t need the extra difficulties, just something for solo players/progression groups, and the HC crowd.

If we remove WF/TF, I played out a plan a few times to actually keep all four levels of raiding, avoid extreme ilvl bloat, and keep older raids relevant for progression guilds. It just takes the devs admitting they are wrong, and making changes to right that.

Nope. LFR is here to stay. :woman_shrugging:

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Just look at your mediocre guildie get top dps because he got lucky and got their bis corrupted effect while you keep having to hope it ever drops,

Yeah, that is how much corrupted effects can worth

“not skill”
Oh boy, I can’t wait to get 470 ilvl and complete Mythic N’Zoth easly!
No skill required, right? Easy task.

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What I described was literally LFR with a new name. If that’s the case, bump up LFR slightly, and remove normal.

Or just leave LFR alone?

That works too. :woman_shrugging:

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