Wow Expansions Best and Worst

It got much better over time. It was a mess at launch and remained so for a while. But yes, it was not all bad by any means.

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  1. Wrath of the Lich King - The build up to the lich king was great.
  2. Vanilla wow - Had a group of 5 that leveled together and ran dungeons. AV was a blast.
  3. MOP - I never thought I would like it but it grew on me fast.
  4. BC - Started Raiding in BC and a big change from classic. Not a fan of the power ranger armor though.
  5. WOD - I actually liked the Garrisons but I had less time to play so maybe thatā€™s why.
  6. Legion - A lot of good things nothing stands out as the best.
  7. DF - Anything is better then SL so I think this was just a sigh of relief
  8. Cata - Hard to top wrath I think this is why it was such a disappointment.
  9. BFA - Kinda lame didnā€™t play this one much
  10. SL - Not a fan and could not really get into this one.


WoD or TWW cant tell yet

Gap filler expations:

Honorable mention for worst:
BC because even blizzard admits they were winging it and had no idea, and they even admit they regret adding flying.

Honorable Mention for best:
MoP, some of the best content for professions, and the best the game ever was mechanically.

Not just best to worst but which expansions kept me playing the most without unsubbing. BC, DF, Wotlk, MoP, Legion, WoD, SL, Cata, BfA

-WoW Basement-
-Bad Expansion ideas that never made it out-


The expansion that I played at a time when the most of my friends played, while also having the least IRL responsibilities>all other expansions.

  1. TBC
  2. BFA
  3. WotLK
  4. Legion
  5. SL
  6. TWW
  7. WoD
  8. MoP
  9. Cata
  10. DF

BC > Legion > Wrath > SL = Mists > Cata > WoD > BfA = DF

TWW too soon to tell, but closer to the bottom than the top.

(And just to clarify, I donā€™t think much of Shadowlands nor Mists of Pandaria. But they were better than the junk that makes up the bottom 4.)

In my humble opinion:
Cata (SO much content) (Largely hated because they left the world broken)
BC (generally underrated)
Legion (generally overrated)
BfA (Hated the patches, hated much of the villain story, but amazing world)
WoD (Wildly disjointed and unfinished)
Shadowlands (So bad it almost killed the game)

The last two ā€“ WoD and SL ā€“ were so bad that I canā€™t understand how they got made.

Canā€™t slot in the current expac yet.

I get what you are saying but if you bother to think critically about each expac you can separate out your personal social experience from the overall fun of the expac. If I was going by your logic I would have to put BC first. I donā€™t. I can see the flaws. And Cata might be second but, again, I do see the flaws.

EVERY expac has flaws. And friends can make even a bad expac more fun. But if you know your own criteria clearly you can make pretty good decisions about which expacs meet that criteria.

For example, I know a sense of both awe and charm in the world of the game matters very much to me. And I hate when I can easily see where the developers left chunks content out because of deadlines (WoD is terrible in this regard but Cata also has some of this). And, given my educational background, really bad storytelling grinds my gears even in a game.

Angry old man is angry

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Wrath > MoP > DF > BFA > Cata > Burning Crusade > Vanilla > > > > Shadowlands

WoD/Legion excluded because I didnā€™t play during those two. Though what Iā€™ve seen of Legion, Iā€™d bet itā€™d be #1 or #2. Really wish I had played during it.

TWW excluded because itā€™s still ongoing and is too soon to judge.

So why are you still here?

ā€œthis game keeps getting worse! Iā€™ll give Blizzard another $15 this month!ā€

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Because I make fat stacks and can be cavalier with my money.

And I like talking about WoW. Its a good case study of game design.

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I canā€™t include TWW, itā€™s too new for me. A slight note, Dragonflight is missingā€¦ I skipped that expansion, but, I appreciate that it revamped a lot of thingsā€¦ I just wasnā€™t there for any of it. I played through the campaign before TWW released and thought the story was fun but thatā€™s the only comment I can make on it really! I would put it around the middle if anything based on that experience alone.

Best to Worst

Cataclysm - I know Iā€™ll get hate for this being at the top, but, it was my favorite for a multitude of reasons. I loved just about everything about this expansion. I love dragons, I love any time Old God stuff gets involved, We had flying from the get go and didnā€™t have to fight tooth and nail to earn it. It had some cool as heck dungeons and some amazing raids. It was just when WoW was starting to pick up on itā€™s storytelling and on top of all that we got Worgen. It was when I started tanking, I lead my first Raid teamā€¦ So much goodness in one expansion that I choose to timewalk with Cata more than any. Plus Deathwing was awesome, and it redid the entire world. I also enjoyed how hard Cata Heroic dungeons were, they were fun to do, and didnā€™t need to put a timer in them.

Mists of Pandaria - Partially because of the Pandaren, but, it did have some amazing dungeons and raids along with that. Not to mention the island itself has some of the more interesting zones in it. Itā€™s one of my favorite places to just visit. The music is also a big plus for me in this expansion, some of WoWā€™s best. Add to that the started use of a better cinematics engine which allowed for more interesting storytelling and some really cool stories with the scenariosā€¦ I dunno I just really liked the whole package.

Battle for Azeroth - Yes. I know. Laugh. But as an Alliance playerā€¦ this was the expansion I enjoyed more than most, partially because as I said with Cata, old God stuff is my jam and this was coated in it. Apart from 2 of the dungeons I really loved them. Itā€™s biggest issue was Azerite Armor, and they course corrected that towards the second patch. Not to mention this again had some amazing raids. Drustvar alone is reason enough for me to love this expansion, I love the theme and aesthetic of it and the Druid forms that came with it.

Legion - Despite how fun it was on release, I just couldnā€™t stick with the game at the time. I loved the concept of Artifact Weapons and do wish we could bring something like that back without the massive amount of borrowed power. On top of that you have one of my favorite settings for a raid with the Emerald Nightmare and some really interesting storytelling. That said, I donā€™t particularly love the dungeons and I know a lot of people liked Suromar, but I hated it. I hated how time gated it was, I hated running around in it, I hated how it was accessedā€¦ just not my jam. Still a fun expansion overall, but I donā€™t have the same love for it others do.

Wrath of the Lich King - Same with this one, I never really had much care for the Lich King as a character to begin with. I played through Warcraft III and while I think the expansion, overall, was fine it didnā€™t do much for me in the long run and I ended up falling off at the end of Naxx and not returning until the patch before Cata released as I just wasnā€™t having fun with it anymore. Itā€™s still a good expansion though, and some of the zones are incredible in it. I know everyone loves Grizzly hills, but I love the Nexus. Still one of my favorite dungeons to date. In fact the expansion had a handful of great dungeons!

Burning Crusade - I hate almost every zone and dungeon in this expansion. The exception being Zangranmarsh because it at least had a much more interesting aesthetic than ā€œDesert or Plains.ā€ Like every other zone is a different colored Desert. Purple, Red, Brown, Grey, Fel Greenā€¦ itā€™s all so blegh. To me, the only real redeeming thing about this expansion was Karazhan, and, the addition of Shaman to alliance and Paladin to horde. Even if I donā€™t like Blood elves at all. That, and Jewel crafting, I do like that! Everything elseā€¦ just not great when I think back on it.

Warlords - For me Warlords has two redeeming qualities. It was fun to level a character the first time, I think they did a great job with the story and the zones. And, it has my second favorite raid of all time, Blackrock Foundry. Other than that, I never want to think about this expansion. I am still annoyed that Garrisons turned out as bad as they did, and Iā€™m still convinced this is why we will never get player housing.

Shadowlands - This was just a failure for me on almost every single front and is what got me to quit the game for 4 years. I didnā€™t even make it to 9.1 and itā€™s mostly because it just wasnā€™tā€¦ fun. Everything was just bland and drawn out. The only good thing I will say about Shadowlands is Ardenweald is beautiful, and it gave monks a really cool looking abilityā€¦ too bad Bastion had the vastly superior one by a MASSIVE margin for WW Monk. I see what they were trying to do, I hate how they did it. The grind was never worse for me than in this expansion (Besides Classic WoW) and it drove me to leave. Whomever thought the Maw, and not being able to mount in it, was a good ideaā€¦ Noā€¦ just no.

Except a ton of people bought and played WoD.

Nobody bought Legion. And yet everybody says legion was great.

If it was so great why didnt it resonate? Why did so few people even purchase it?

Wrath of the Lich King (BEST)
Burning Crusade (2nd Best)
Legion (5th BEST)
Mist of Pandaria (3rd BEST)
Cataclysm (4th BEST)
Dragonflight (9th BEST)
Battle for Azeroth (6th BEST)
Shadowlands (8thBEST)
Warlords of Draenor (7th BEST)

Both WoD and legions sold 3.3m units day 1.
They also stopped posting sub numbers in wod so, you are just going off of pure speculation.

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Yea its better to go off how the hype was at the time.

WoD was the last expansion people were really hyped for until WoW classic came out.

Whatever blizzard tells its shareholders doesnt invaldidate the reality we can see with our own eyes.

Its actually very easy to tell which games are popular and which ones arent. Are people talking about it? If yes, then its popular.

The hype of Legion was way better then the hype of wod. so by your own metricā€¦legion was better.
People were hyped as hell to see illidan again, no one cared about orc expantion.

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