WoW Community Council Live Chat - December 8

Thank you for putting forward one of my questions even though I was waylaid and unable to attend. I wanted to put forward some additional questions:

Season of Discovery

  1. Previously, there was talk about picking up storylines that might lead to dead ends. Will the story of SoD explore alternative storylines from other titles in the Warcraft Franchise, similar to Hearthstone?

  2. Players often gather around runes. Will future runes have multiple sources? Will more sources be added? Do current runes have undiscovered sources?

  3. What are the team’s priorities for the future given the positive reception SoD has received? Do you have any plans you can share?


  1. “Have Guild, Will Travel” will forever be fondly remembered by players. Would there be any chance to have some incarnation of this beloved guild perk returning in Cataclassic?

  2. LFR arrived with the original Dragonsoul. Is the team currently planning a similar introduction in Cataclassic?

  3. Initially Cata dungeons shifted and ratcheted difficulty up from where they were in Wrath. In Cataclassic, where does the team intend to have the difficulty initially? Will the Titan Rune system be returning in some form? If so will this system maintain the envisioned difficulty relative to the increased rewards?

The teams’ communication has been nothing short of fantastic and I hope you are all proud of all you continue to accomplish.