Yea cool too bad it’s unplayable because of faction imbalance Good job enabling server transfers so the underdogs can abandon ship
It’s mayhem, i feel sorry for those who are lvl 50s and didn’t reach 60 on time hahaha
5 more
You mean the camping of raid entrances and fps? lol
Come to Arcanite Reaper, plenty of Ally to kill here.
Can someone check to see if the blue rank 10 pvp gear rewards are the 1.12 version that has better stats than T2 BWL gear?
The 1.12 blue set hunter helm, chest and legs all have listed 2% crit on EACH, which is hands down better than T2 gear. Not to mention the insane +20 agi set bonus
If this is the case, the blue pvp set will completely invalidate the T1 MC sets
Is this the version in game?
Will there be a pvp/honor ladder on the official wow website, come next week?
Yes it does.
Awesome, sounds great. Now if we can get rid of the cheating add on called “Spy” then rogues might be able to play.
yeah its rape city trying to level now … i’ll come back when BGs are open
You can always level an alt meanwhile, or farm some low level instances like SFK and make money. That’s my plan if things are too crazy the first week
I really only play for the BGs anyway so its no biggie
Yes it is. Get farming.
Fantastic to see wpvp out and about, thanks blizz! I hope that wsgcome out sometime soon as a standalone like DM but BWL can wait for a good while for sure!
Me too. It’s stupid. Classic nostalgia was the only reason I even started paying for account. bought 3 months right away at launch, and not even 3 months in and its dumb. I remember leveling up 2 toons to 60, so that our 40 man raid had a fair class balance. not people farming MC for a month, and then camping for the 50s.
We farmed alliance all day today, i got 3800 hks. Just because we didnt give a crap during non-honor season againt a grp of neck beards trying to kill Thrall, doesnt mean were dead in the water in regards to pvp.
Where was this?
I think you misread what I said. “10:1 horde for ally” means I’m seeing 10 horde per 1 alliance. Bit of an exaggeration, but I saw only a few alliance compared to a lot of roaming horde. I was in areas like Tanaris, Un’goro, and Felwood and not the zergy areas like Hillsbrad and BRM. I should’ve went alliance for more targets to kill!
So your wife has a boyfriend huh… cuck.
Would it not have been a better idea to improve faction ratios before releasing this? How is a tiny minority faction supposed to benefit from this phase? At the very least you could have queued the larger side of a realm, rather than everyone. Minority players are actually in queue right alongside majority players, which makes no sense.
3:08 PM 11/14/2019 (Censored until 11/18 9am)
That would imply that blizzard actually uses common sense, which they’ve proven over and over that they are just simply incapable of it.