Update on when I got home and tried the macro in combat it just won’t be a practical macro because the Shield Bash will not fire off. The Macro will equip Sword/Board + GCD and when you hit it again to cast Shield Bad it will just switch weapons again. I could probably use a castsequence option but I don’t want a 2-3 Sec delay just for Shield Bash. At least I know how to make /click work now.
The macro I was using was
showtooltip Shield Bash
/click ElvUI_Bar4Button3
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [] Shield Bash
The stand and dismount can be tossed. I just added those as a personal preference.
The focus part should not work, as Classic has no Focus atm.
But … i didn’t know about that stopmacro command … might come in handy some day if that works
/click [noworn:shield] ElvUI_Bar4Button3
You are a Gentleman and a Scholar.
Yep, Elvenbane is the kindly scholar of macros, bestowing their knowledge upon us. Should seriously be a community manager for this forum.
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Worked like a charm. ty so much
Hey I know this is kind of old but what is the macro you use to switch from duel 1h, 2h, and shield? I’ve been trying very hard to make it work with no luck
Try this and let me know if this works for you.
/eq [noworn:two-hand,nomod] INSERT NAME OF YOUR 2H WEAPON
/equipslot [worn:two-hand] 16 INSERT NAME OF YOUR MAIN HAND
/eq [noworn:shield,nomod] INSERT NAME OF YOUR SHIELD
/equipslot [mod] 17 INSERT NAME OF YOUR OFF HAND
You just hit the hotkey and it will automatically switch between 2H → Sword & Board → 2H. If you hold down any mod (Shift, Ctrl or Alt) it will go from Equiped → Dual Wield.
Make sure that you leave “16” and “17” in the appropriate lines. I accidentely overwrote the 16 while updating my weapon and it took me a few minutes to figure out how I broke the macro.
Any class can also make a similar macro if you are going to use the Impending Skull of Doom.
works great for 2h to main/shield
I added a shift mod but it doesnt appear to be working for dw 1h switch, I also use elv ui like you is this part of the reason? Here is what I did:
/eq [noworn:two-hand,nomod] Staff of Westfall
/equipslot [worn:two-hand] 16 Ridge Cleaver of Strength
/eq [noworn:shield,nomod] Fortified Shield of Strength
/equipslot [mod:shift] 17 Blackwater Cutlass
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What keybind are you using? Do you have a similar keybind with the identical mod? i.e. Macro Keybind is 1 but Battle Stance is Shift +1 and you are using shift as your mod to change weapons?
I bound it to my R key, I noticed that when I hit shift R while talking to a friend that it replied to him instead of doing my macro bound it to another key and works like a charm. Thank you very much you’re a life saver
I decided to unbind shift r from my chat commands since I /r out of habit it’s a useless bind so I can instead use it for the macro
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I was quick to point out the keybind well because…personal history .
Glad it works for you. Also I have keybound my Re-Whisper to Shift +Y and I might even move it again to the +/= key for similar reasons.
does this work to make a 1 button shield bash/pummel macro?
[form:2,worn:shield] Defensive Stance;
Why would you cast defensive stance if you’re in defensive stance?
You can do:
/eq 16 item:[item id]
/eq 17 item:[item id]
to further shorten the macros if you need space
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This is one i use for furyprot when i know im about to take a big hit. Can probably re-work it to be used w 2h and say Mortal strike (Takes 2 clicks however due to GCD from wep swap)
#showtooltip Shield Block
/equipslot 16 Quel’Serrar
/equipslot 17 Drillborer Disk
/cast Shield Block
/equipslot 16 Quel’Serrar
/equipslot 17 Mirah’s Song
I love you man, that’s exactly what I was looking for!!! You’re the best! I know these others are just trying to help, but they didn’t answer the question he asked and you did.
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Search Wago dot io for “DWEquip” then you can use the macro i have below.
Single button swaps between them both and doesn’t affect my other Syphon.
/equip Antonidas’s Aegis of Rapt Concentration
/click DWEquip 32262 Syphon of the Nathrezim
Search Wago dot io for “DWEquip” then you can use the macro i have below.
Single button swaps between them both and doesn’t affect my other Syphon.
/equip Antonidas’s Aegis of Rapt Concentration
/click DWEquip 32262 Syphon of the Nathrezim