WoW Classic - Unable to start 3d acceleration

Alright - yes that Windows update can take awhile. Let’s take a look at a fresh DXDiag. Run a new one then pastebin.

9eJZhv7S here is the new pastebin you’ve requested.

Things are right up to date there. I suspect this may be a bug of sorts. You may need keep things on Fullscreen “Windowed” until it is sorted out. I would report over on the Classic forums - Support and Bug report:

I would include a link to this post in your thread.

Thank you for your help. I’m not able to create a new topic over there, I’m guessing because I’m not currently subscribed to the game. I will see about playing it full screen when the game comes out.

You may find the game plays better in Full Screen - Windowed mode. Microsoft is heading in that direction these days. I simply use the Windows key to bring up the taskbar - or the Windows key + D key to tab straight to desktop.

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So, I went strolling through some of the posts in the WoW Classic Support and Bug report forum and I came across this post by Aggrend - CLASSIC-Crashes When enabling VSync

I disabled Discords overlay feature and… the game runs fine in windowed mode now, no crashes. I’m not sure what the relation is between the two programs, but if anyone else is having this issue, you can try suggesting this as well.


I just finished reading that post - was over on Classic catching up on support things. Good to see Ryley.

Wow actually hates any overlay. Discord - Afterburner - Rivatuner - DVR things you name it. There is even a support page warning of issues with a long list of overlays.

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Hey all,

Just to confirm, there is a known bug with WoW Classic and overlays that causes it to throw the “Unable to start 3d acceleration” error any time the gfx sub-system is restarted. The workaround in the meantime, like you discovered, is to just disable any overlays. :slight_smile:

We added the overlay callout on the Unable to Start 3D Acceleration article.


ive tried everything and I still have this problem :frowning:

Hi Cleco

Can you create a DXDiag system report:

The second section of page has DXDiag report instructions - we don’t require the MSinfo report.

That will be a wall of text. If you have issues pasting on the Forum here go ahead and put it up on Provide the link code portion of the URL - example below.

(The green bold portion at the end of the link:**Qk28Ed1P**)

I had the same problem but when I completely shut down discord it fixed my issue


I have tried all the suggestions above, including disabling the GForce Exp Overlay as well as making sure Discord’s overlay is also off(even tried with Discord completely closed)

Pastebin DxDiag

Does it work to run the game in Windowed Mode? Have we already reset driver settings to default?

If neither of the above two things work, please also try creating a power profile for the game in the GPU settings.

Running the game in windowed mode after resting driver settings with the individual profile as suggested presents the same issue. If I try to adjust the resolution to my monitor’s native or enable reduced input lag in the advanced settings it crashes and gives the same ‘Unable to start 3D accelerator’ error alert.

Hey, thanks. I just bought a new monitor in prep for classic and was having the same issue.

Disabling the overay seems to have fixed it

I’m having the same problem as others – I disabled the Discord overlay and it still is kicking me out with the error message.

I too am experiencing this issue. Ive tried without discord overlay, in windowed mode, and with several dofferent driver versions installed and am still getting the same unable to do 3d accelerator error. Sometimes the error even crashes my video card to black screen and i have to hard restart my pc just to be able to see the screen again. Quite frustrating none of the solutions ive seen so far seem to work.

Same issue but

  • Discord closed, no effect
  • nVidia Overlay disabled + Tray closed, no effect… plus I heart shadowplay :cry:
  • Switching primary monitor, no effect

This did it for me:

  • Right click desktop :arrow_forward: nVidia Control Panel
  • Manage 3D Settings :arrow_forward: Restore button (tho I then turned Power Management back to Adaptive)
  • Program Settings tab :arrow_forward: Make sure there are no WoW executable overrides
  • Save all
  • Back to ‘Adjust Image Settings with Preview’ :arrow_forward: Let the 3D Application Decide

This whole thing just reeked of something fighting WoW for low level access. Hope this helps someone else.


This is interesting Orxon. What do you think was the fix. Can you experiment there - try turning power setting back - try the adjust image setting. We are struggling to find solutions for some of these 3D acceleration errors.

I believe it to be a combination of Discord’s overlay and whatever tweaks I may have done in the past to force a better Anti-aliasing setting in Rocket League.

If the Discord overlay doesn’t fix it, I’d have them try the “Adjust Image Settings with Preview” to “Let the 3D Application Decide”.