[WoW Classic] UI API Change for UnitHealth


Quick question - is there now a way in game to have mob health values shows by default - or do we still need an addon to tell the api to show it?


Yeah made a level one with no addons on just try try and test. Can’t see anything.


if you use the default ui and want your target frame to continue displaying that value, youre going to need an addon that actually calls that api up when drawing the target frame. the realmobhealth addon author created an addon that does simply that. hooks unithealth/unithealthmax api into default blizzard ui.
curseforge . com / wow / addons / modern-targetframe


Yes i deleted realmobhealth and reinstalled it upon logging in and not seeing mob health or an option to turn it on - the advantage is soon ui addons will have this as standard built into itself

elvui, luna, etc. all those handbuilt target frames will certainly retain the functionality as those actually call unithealth/unitmaxhealth while being drawn.

the default ui needs to be modified to use these updated api calls. thats why he released that new addon, modern targetframe.

people who use the default will experience your issue. people who use a custom target frame can remove realmobhealth and just continue.

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Champ - just installed it.



so did it fix your problem? im confused

i uninstalled realmobhealth and no longer had them show in the target frame, then installed modern targetframe and it does now. it solved the problem for me in the default ui.

if it didnt solve the problem for you then there might be another addon causing an issue

oh also i was originally replying to vol, i didnt even see your post haha.

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Yes worked perfectly.

I’ve moved the RealMobHealth files on Curse into their archive and I’m sending a request to move the addon into the outdated category on WoWInterface. I thank everyone for their support of the addon during the course of its lifetime.


In all technicality, Blizzard is already running the formatting code to display the health values on the TargetFrame. The only thing I do on that part of the addon is place text objects where existing code is looking for them.


Is this your addon? Im loving the threat addition

nice! i had no idea. thanks so much for your work. you and all other addon authors are the heroes of classic. <3

While we’re on the topic of performance improvements, can we please get batching looked at again and reduced/removed. I can speak from experience, that most if not all the people who came back to blizzard servers from the private scene did so for reduced server latency. Then we get an artificial lag in the form of batching added to the game. It makes no sense for it to be in the game and not what anyone wanted when coming back to a monthly sub.


How would I get my game to display my friendly target’s health with these new changes?

This is perfect, even better now with the rare mod indicator, ty

This change doesn’t apply to players outside your party/raid.

:weary: :triumph::rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:Esta faltando!,. respeita a mostra Barra de Vida na distância de ataque possível do personagem. Ja que conseguimos ver DANO subindo nos mobs ou players.

Aumentei a minha magia distancia para atacar mais longe e não e percebi que o mobs ta morrendo antes de mostra a vida em barra.

“Eu acho que eles deveriam limitar a 30 jardas. Obviamente, 40 seria o mais ideal, mas posso entender por que as pessoas não gostariam disso. Muito perto do varejo, muito grande mudança, muito fácil de ver jogadores inimigos, tenho certeza de que há várias razões pelas quais as pessoas inventariam. Mas tê-lo aos 20 significa que as classes que precisam de talentos para definir suas habilidades de longo alcance em 40 jardas têm seu alcance efetivo reduzido pela metade. Você é menos eficiente do que um personagem corpo-a-corpo, mantendo-se à distância, porque precisa de mais tempo para encontrar um alvo para se concentrar ou ter um grupo coordenado que sempre marque em quem se concentrar ou ajudar. 30 é um bom compromisso, porque esse é o intervalo padrão em que a maioria das habilidades está. Se você quiser ir além com os talentos, faça isso com a desvantagem técnica de não conseguir ver as placas de identificação.”

I think they should cap it to 30 yards. 40 would obviously be the most ideal, but I can understand why people wouldn’t like that. Too close to retail, too big of a change, too easy to see enemy players, I’m sure there are a number of reasons people would come up with. But having it at 20 means classes that take talents to set their ranged abilities to 40 yards have their effective range cut in half. You are less efficient than a melee character by standing at range because you must take more time to find a target to focus, or have a coordinated group that always marks who to focus or assist on. 30 is a good compromise, because that’s the default range most abilities are at. If you want to go further with talents, you do so at the technical downside of not being able to see nameplates. I think more research should be done on whether 20 was the limit in Vanilla before they make a decision, though.