WoW Classic: The Joyous Journeys 50% Experience Buff Returns

Thank you for listening and letting us turn this off if we want to! Its not for everyone but i enjoy the road to 80 and do not want the buff.


Shadowmeld doesn’t actually work like that anymore. It’s a pseudo vanish - doesn’t drop threat or combat if you’re in a group, and you can no longer eat while melded.

Love the idea of ‘food weaving’, though. I’ve gotta work that into IRL somehow.


I like how this is added after I level 9 80s. -_-

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Gotta learn how your class works. I do think the xp should be severely buffed for 1-70 though so we can get a bigger active player pool of people doing northrend stuff.

amen. I joined this game to play in dungeons with other people, not spend endless hours crawling through levels by myself on empty maps. Its completely cheapened the wraith experience for me. Just feels like a sad version of a once great game. Im literally running heroics just to play with other people, despite already having everything I need from them and not needing valor or heroic badges. Its all the game offers me to do outside of raiding


clearly you didnt need it

Good lord will you guys never be happy?

I really hate that we’ve come to this in WoW Classic. The “levelling is boring” crowd will never be satisfied and – as we see in this thread – giving it out just leads to them asking for more MORE M O R E.

I can live with this as some sort of compromise to shut people up as we experience a lull while some people flirt with the new Retail expansion, but those people need to continue to be quiet once this limited-time offer goes away again. I don’t see that happening, but hope springs eternal.

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:sob: I mean it would’ve been nice.

They still pay that way.

maybe you wont understand this… but everyone wanting rdf isnt looking for speed runs, they JUST WANT TO PLAY THE OLDER CONTENT. most that i know just want to gather the guildies and use rdf to port to a dungeon so we can take our time enjoying all the little things… like the lore books scattered all over scarlet monastery library… we loved running rage fire but without rdf we will never see it. no reason to put in the time and effort to fight through ogrimmar. and rarely do horde suddenly drop into stormwind try and run stockades. rdf would make things like this accessible. and no, the flight from stormwind or ironforge to chillwind camp and the run through the plaguelands to reach Scarlet monastery is a waste of 20 minutes. there is NOTHING sociable about taking an extremely long flight path or worse, a longer run when you dont have the proper FP’s. so many dungeons just get left off the list because no one is interested in going from stormwind to desolace to run mauradon. no one wants to go from stormwind to feralas to run Dire Maul.

this is about open access to runs that are NOT getting done.


AHAHAHAHAHA and by “all” you mean just the dungeons you’re going to spam queue ad nauseum till level 80, and you’ll never set foot in a questing zone again. Ahh yes, “all” the content.

Run to Uldaman, the content is right there for you to enjoy.

What is it with low level undeads spam whining filling this forum with faulty arguments about RDF?

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figured youd be too stupid to understand other people have different mindsets. not only are you a toxic troll, the worst is you are choosing to be willfully ignorant. buh bye now.


Ive always quested while queued into RDF. If you’re afk in town waiting on a queue then it speaks more about you than it does the feature.


All of the content is there for you to experience. You just want to experience a very slight amount.

this guys biggest issue is he is so bad no wants to play with him cant find 4 other people that will enjoy his presences long enough to actually do a dungeon with him. i have done all the conent he complains he cant do multiple times. dudes just mentally unhinged. honestly he just spurts out the same thing like a broken record when everything his says has proven to be false and only works to fit his narative. you apply actually thinking to what he says you instantly see any of his arguements fall apart.

when he starts to relises his narative isnt working he starts spewing toxic nonesense. not hard to see since he is in every single post.


Why would you sit in town doing nothing while queued?

Is that how you play? Do you have an 80 with you doing all your quests while you /follow them and that’s how you level up?


You know your logs are public right?

If you can’t take a punch, don’t dish them out.

Stunning 1.4k dps on Gothik, btw

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imagine thinking you need any sort of log system for 15 year old content. thinking that anyone actually cares about this stuff but you. my 10 year old cleared nax last week its not hard at all never was design to be. the fact you even think this hold any merit is just sad. there is more to life then beating a boss in 20 seconds apposed to 15 seconds either way boss is dead i get loots and your mad im not :man_shrugging:


also im holy main spec because my son is dps. but you believe the fantasy.

It’s always the most bad that are the most toxic, it’s funny.

Sure, you’re holy main spec, but that parse was logged as you being Ret.

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you know cause i dont care about this stuff… so you know i dont log… any logs are by some random raid leader. but you let your “logs” dicatate your life.