WoW Classic Test Realms Open Through Monday

Just leave it open until launch!

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Myself and a few friends got in on playing Classic a bit this weekend. The waiting is going to be that much harder now that we know what we’re missing during these next 2 weeks prior to launch. Good times were had…we can’t WAIT!!!

I made sooooo many friends during the stress test that I’m having a hard time figuring out who’s who and what’s what. I’ve been subbed for the entirety of BFA, but I’m pretty sure I’ve played more hours on the stress tests than I have the expansion. I have NEVER been this immersed in WoW, and I’m going to be really sad when our characters are deleted, but it will only make me more stoked when we finally get to play Classic for real.

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Absolutely. After 9amPST/Noon EST today, the next time you roll a character in Classic WoW… it will be the one you play as far as you want. It may hit 60… it may kill Ragnaros, it may even take down Kel’Thuzad.

It will scratch and scrape itself from level 1, earn it’s gold in a fresh, new economy, and learn it’s skills for the very first time.

You will actually look at every piece of gear that drops for weeks and months to come… and that includes white and green gear.

If you are a priest, mage or warlock… you will salivate over your first wand… if you are a warrior, you will be begging friends to help farm elementals for your Whirlwind Axe. If you are a Paladin or Warlock, you will be dragging your friends to Scholomance for your epic mount quest.

Most of all you will be doing this with friends… people who are actually on your server… the rogue you grouped up with to kill Princess in Elwynn Forest? You will see him many times… perhaps in a dungeon group, or standing next to you in the AH.

What you won’t see is a dash-servername after his name… you’ll be able to buy and sell from/to him.

It’s been such a long time since we were able to play “real” WoW… as it was meant and designed by a group of truly passionate developers.


Awesome weekend! Great adventure with new friends. Old and new players experienced WOW the way most of us started. I’m glad they kept the test going through the weekend.

See you all on the flipside!

ty for letting me know

Thank you for allowing everyone time to jump to test and play! Can’t wait to see everyone here in a few weeks!!!

Thanks to the Classic team for leaving the test realms open. It made the weekend a blast. : )

Noo, why did it had to end? I liked the 15 meta :frowning:

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I just want say: Thank you to make me very happy in weekend doing some really fun stuff in this Test so long i dont have fun in this game, but yes you guys did it again and i and my friends play, laugh and really love this game again. I have few SS from this test and want share.

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