WoW Classic Stress Test – June 19-21

It’s Wednesday and Thursday (into Friday in Oceania)

You made the comment about French Vivendi, so I was using it as an example.

Ok, how does a Yank warm body differ from a German warm body, or an Estonian warm body, or a Latvian warm body, or a Pom warm body?

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It ends friday. Its not this weekend

Sadly it isn’t in the US!

I’m lost. None of this is occuring on a weekend. You’re in the clear.

Not really. Nice try though. A realm is a realm and they’re testing the options that all realms will have, EU or not. Tons of people trying to log in will be the same everywhere.

Seems like just another complaint that you don’t have beta or stress test access.


Do you have to have BFA on your account with the active subscription?

I read it incorrectly!! Thank you haha.

I honestly dont see why you would need it

10 chars

Notice how when pushed for an actual difference, he completely disappeared.


No one told you to uninstall it. They simply made it easier if you wanted to.


Sad day. Taking niece out for birthday dinner Wednesday. Oh well I’ll play while i can. :grinning:

Neat. You just encouraged me to delete it so now I’d have to download it again.

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I told you I’m not spelling it out for you when it’s blatantly obvious. Use the brain you were given. I’m in the EU remember so I’m sitting down to dinner not catering to you.

This is great!

See you all(Americas and Oceanic :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved: sorry rest) on Wednesday!

And oh shoot 48 for this one! This is definitely a fan service thanks again.

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cries in EU


Of course they can. Code doesn’t magically change because it crosses the pond. C++ is C++. If they find all the bugs and fix them with US TESTERS then that will carry over to the EU servers.

I recall you were the one who made some long thread about feeling entitled to the beta and were salty you didn’t get it. You weren’t entitled to it then, you aren’t entitled to it now, and EU players are not entitled to an independent stress test.

You have entered into a consensual contract with blizzard by giving them your money in exchange for a service (playing wow). It was made quite clear by blizzard before you decided to give them your money that you are NOT entitled to any form of testing, and that it is completely at their discretion if you get it. You pay to play retail, and that payment extends to classic on August 27th, no sooner no later.


I beg to differ

What do you mean by “French-ify”?

The timing was terrible, surely that’s a fair statement.