WoW Classic Stress Test 1

Char creation and kicked again


6th time at “retrieving Realm List” and now D/C’d. Meanwhile guildmate here got to create a character before it booted him.

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I gotta be honest, this server test feels so authentic to early World of Warcraft playing days. Login servers full, keep getting disconnected at realm selection screen and booted to password screen. Feels like 2003 all over again!!!


They identified the cause for issues/crashes and stated it will crash a few more times.

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I have been kicked out 3 or 4 times now. Got Locked realm, or low population. The stress test is…Blizz it is NOT letting anyone in!

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Made it to realm selection twice, and this time I get realm locked.

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30 minutes of continuously logging in now. Feels like the Blackrock server of old.


Seems the stress of testing the stress test is stressing me out more than stressing the servers. Thanks for getting my hopes up blizz!


I wont give up until I get into the world and do 1 quest


That is exactly what I thought. “This is truly Vanilla/BC logins”

we are gonna need a bigger boat


I’m beginning to think that the max level being set at 5 was a tad optimistic… /amused


There are less people in the queue every time I try to connect. Either people are getting in, or they have given up.


That’s pretty good. I haven’t made it past the retrieving realm listing part. I time out. :confused:

I am back at a 4 min wait time. Time for alcohol!


So when we DO eventually get in, will they extend the stress test so we can actually TEST?

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I actually made it to realm, created a character and got in for around 5 mins. Newbie area was overrun and no mob stayed untagged for more than 1-2 seconds. Then there was a DC and I haven’t made it to server select since.

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Haha this is what i was thinking.
I still remember leveling up and watching the server crash.
Roll back to loose all the work i had done for an hour or so.
Good times…Good Times.

But also good to see there is enough hype for this game to bring their modern servers to such a grind.


I played on Tanaris, Windrunner, and a couple of others back in 2005. This is pretty much that experience.

Yes exactly. Been trying since it opened and I just keep getting dc’d. >.< Soooo. Muchhh. Funnn. Hahaha :smiley:

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