The real test is the stability of the creation screen and activation server
I’m 0 for 2 and becoming more depressed by the second. Login queues get longer for each attempt. So the queue ends, game tries to bring up the server list, but it switches to a WoW Disconnect message and forces me to try to re-log in.
Well, at least they’re being historically accurate. I was there at about the beginning.
DCed at Retrieving Realm List on first attempt…
DCed selecting realm on second attempt…
Server showed locked and i got d/ced again. Now 1934 in queue
created character, entered world, loading screen crashed and now I’, 1, 748 in que to log in,…
3rd DC 2700que. Who’s keeping track?
yea cant even get in to play to 5
4th try for me. Actually got past the server screen and was loading char creation when I was D/C’d on that last attempt…
Was able to het to the realm selection screen, but dcd before character screen. Back in login queue now
Guess Ill go make a sandwich while in a 2000 position in que.
Same here time out
I’m not going to be late for raiding today if this continues.
Queue is moving along nicely.
Love it. This so reminds me of things I’d forgotten. Seriously brings back great memories.
Got a character made, clicked to enter game, annnnnd d/c.
So we are the “Many Whelps” being Handled by Blizzard
Server is Up
Population shows LOW
and I’m stuck at “logging into the game server”
4-6PM Pacific
This is fun
I got past the login queue and saw a message saying that the realm was full, and a queue to get in.
Then I got disconnected lol
Yep, I have been booted back 4 times now. Maybe one day ill get in.