WoW Classic Stress Test 1

Even though I am rolling horde I may do alliance for a Hogger raid hahahaha

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Well, it was more an agreement with the sentiment behind what he said, not so much how he went about saying it. Opting in to a beta test, then declining to participate because “I feel like I’m being used” is pretty weird. Why did you opt in to test in the first place then?


I volunteer to take his spot. :wink:

By the way, I still won’t be home to check my launcher for several hours. I’m just going by the fact there’s nothing listed in my account indicating I’m part of a stress test.


Thank you for the stress test beta invite :heart_eyes:


No it won’t as a matter of fact when people get to test it most of them won’t play it anymore. It was a much slower paced game and harder in some aspects. I can guarantee you most people will stop playing in a month. Most won’t even hit level 40 before they get tired of running.

I’m going to keep refreshing my client and hope for the best :wink:

They can give my stress test invite I have no need to play for 2 hours dancing and trying to tag level 2 mobs.


I’d GLADLY take your spot.


One of the main points of the game is community. Even if it is for 5 levels during a stress test. I think reved does not understand the best part of classic. Plus it will be silly and goofy seing lvl 5 hogger raids haha.


lvl 1 hogger raids when your main server is offline is prime vanilla lol ty for reminding me of that!

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So, my client says “Beta & Stress Test: WoW Classic” Does that mean I have access to the stress test tomorrow and then the closed beta after the stress test is done?

Just looking for clarification. Tommorows stress test is ONLY available from 4-6pdt for stress testers? or does it remain up for stress testers as well as beta testers through the following day? I dont get off work until 6:30 pdt

Yeah Im going horde at launch and think I will do human for stress test just b/c of hogger haha

The 4-6pm window is when we need as many people on as possible to do the active testing. The realm will remain playable for those in the stress test until the following day (time listed in the OP) so they play around a bit more.


The wow community now vs 14 years ago is much different. That is the nicest thing I can say about the current community vs the community 14 years ago.

If you got it today then it should be just the stress test.


I hope test beta soon :slight_smile: maybe but good work team :slight_smile:

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I hear ya. But they excitement for a simple stress test gives high hopes for a community driven experience going forward. Glass half full! Join the hype man its going to be a great time no matter how long it lasts.

Oh okay, yeah I got it today. Would my chances at getting into beta be higher if I told you I still remember doing the Benediction and Anathema questline? :slight_smile: I’VE BEEN PLAYING THAT LONG!

They are all over these threads replying often. Its great!