WoW Classic Stress Test 1

I had the same issue as most I would log in wait 3-4 min in queue then DC, I did manage once to get to the character creation screen but when I clicked to create it froze up and DC. I hope this is the information blizzard wanted us to report for this test? I hope to try again this afternoon.


Spent 45 minutes trying, no luck. It was just streamers. Asmond even logged out to make his human after the gnome…just absurd


You do know he had issues as well as others had issues, why is everyone so butt hurt it was a stress test you did your part trying to log in even… it was too level 5 , yes there were a few things you could do, like run to the gate of AQ, kill hogger with a lvv1 raid etc but that’s pretty much it and so many people are so butt hurt they spam the threads with nothing but negativity and hate. I’m tired if it grow up life’s not fair things happen just be happy the games being worked on and coming out relatively soon.


Yeah, its hard not to feel as though i missed out


Actually mate, I didn’t start watching streams until classic beta went live. I can’t even chat in his chat lol also that whole Google thing yeah imma send that off to blizzard

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I got a email for the stress test the night of the 21st I never got it in my launcher they asured me they were fixing it so I could play and they never did im realy pissed off ive made tickets saying it never got fixed and my replay was basicly welp ops we tried to fix as many as we can…can someone at the very least give me a straight answer not be so evasive

Think of it from their view, they have tens of thousands of testers sending in reports of issues, not everyone is having the same issues, such as yours, they probably don’t know what is causing your issue and are trying to figure it out best they can for future stress test, remember this was to help them. I understand the fear of missing out, and the disappointment of something like this happening, but in a way this happening to you and others will greatly help the main game have a smoother launch… I’m sorry you had to deal with that m this issue mate but it was only for a short time, and only to level 5 , not the main game

Exact same thing happened to me. I received the email late on the 21st but it never appeared in my launcher, so I put in a ticket pretty early in the morning on the 22nd to have one of my PTR accounts removed but it still hasn’t happened. I missed out on being able to participate in the stress test due to it.

never got an email just opened up my launcher and it said beta/stress test so i downloaded.

thats not what he is saying it seemed to be that only the people with regular beta access were able to log into the stress test server and the ones that got invited to the stress test itself were not able to


ahhhhhh sorry its early

This was mostly to test to log-in and character creation servers.

As well as some basic layering testing. However if people can’t log in, they are irrelevant to the in-game server health.

That testing comes later once they’re sure they’ve got the Log-in servers in a good place for launch, and then they can work on stressing the layering system to figure out what is a good number of people per layer as well as start getting some contingency plans in place if it turns out the tourist phase has better staying power than expected, they won’t be scrambling for solution for servers with 2-3 times their vanilla populations as the end of Phase 1 is nearing and layering’s removal deadline nears.

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====== Yesterday ========
I’ve went early for the stress test when they were doing a race during those 2 hours, I was only able to see the realm list 4 or so times, out of several attempts.

Most of the attempts it would disconnect at the window saying its gathering the realm list.

The few times I was able to show the realm list it was either offline or locked.

I was able to reach the character creation twice and those 2 times I was unable to create a character, it kept giving me a timeout message and then I had to reconnect and try again.

==== Today =====
Today I adventured myself again and I had no such issues at all, it was all smoothly to login, create character and play.

I was disconnected once when I stopped by an inn and went afk for few seconds, which made me think it was the kick feature for people afk at inns could have been something else as it only happened once in like 4 hours or so.

I’ve reached the cap, done most of the quests available within my level range for night elf and found no issues so far.

======= UPDATE ======

Yesterday more towards the end of the test, a few hours before I was experiencing a lot of DC’s, and it seemed also people in party with me had these, I assume it might have been because of the layering test when the Staff sent a world message something about shenanigans :stuck_out_tongue: otherwise, just want to make this known.


Thanks for granting me the chance to review my old memories of WoW Classic, the best days I had playing WoW of during classic and its looking great so far!

Keep it up Blizzard!


I played a lot today and had lots of fun. Last night I had issuing getting in. Eventually just got stuck on character creation and it would not proceed. Which is understandable during a stress test.

I am looking forward to the game and hopefully more beta tests. XD

Raiding NorthShire With the Guild

I was unable to log in at all last night, but this morning worked for me. Got a few levels, was almost late for work, whoops. I pretty much retraced all my first steps from when I first started playing in 2005. I’m excited for the next opportunity to be a part of this.


it took 6 hours but I finally got to play sorry I’m only been here since 2005 and not a streamer

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I got to play this afternoon and it was totally awesome. I liked it better than retail so far leveling wise. There’s a lot more interaction among players which I enjoyed. Also, everything seemed to be working properly. I couldn’t find any bugs.

Only 05 here too, we is noobs.

Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this test. While I spent a good hour during the planned stress test itself sitting in a queue or getting disconnected at character creation, I’m sure it helped Blizzard gather the needed data to move forward towards a smooth launch. I did at least eventually get to level a couple of characters (1 on each faction) to the cap of 5 without too many issues after the server pop died down in the overnight hours. I’ve been playing WoW since day one and remembered a similar experience trying to log in on launch day back in 2004. Thanks for the nostalgia lol! I’m hopeful to get into the beta and do some more testing for you guys.

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