WoW Classic Realm Names and Types - Updated Aug. 27

About as many servers as I was expecting.

Can we get data center locations? Like are any PST servers in like Chicago or any EST in LA for some blizzard reason?


You just can’t have a healthy community with that many people crammed on such a tiny number of realms…


Whitemane here I come!!!

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Yeah which ones are in LA and which are Chicago. I guess people will just have to log in and see what the ping is like on each server. Unless all Pacific Time Zone servers are in LA.

I didn’t think that was the case in the past.

They’re clearly not expecting a huge population once all the tourists leave.


I expected Chromie, I’m surprised its not in there. She was in Classic WoW in the Western Plaguelands.


Will there not be servers for central and mountain time???

Man…there was no argument… I was simplycomplimenting the way he likes to display himself in public. Its really tasteful and speaks to his character.

Can we please get back on topic?

CST for both rp servers would of been the smart way to go. I’m on east coast too.


That is not enough servers. The wow classic subreddit alone has 160k+ subscribers. If even half that amount stick around for more than six months this wouldn’t be enough servers, and that doesn’t even account for all of the people who don’t touch reddit or the wow forums. This is a mistake. Farming in the world is going to be impossible, after work hours will be unbearably congested.


Boy oh boy are they going to layer the heck out of those servers.
How many layers do you think each will have 15-20 ?
And one single AH for everyone.


Like others have mentioned it would be nice if we could have at least one server per U.S. time zone. So a Central and Mountain time server.


100% this. So ecstatic they chose to give us RP PVP, but that name…

I can’t complain, and it is ultimately minor, but who decided to go with that? So many Classic dungeon and raid bosses with more lore and flavor that better embody RP PVP.

EDIT: Also, why is Bloodsail Buccaneers PvE RP? That’s a PvP faction if I’ve ever heard one.


I presume they will probably create 3 or 4 more servers next week.

Seems a little low don’t you think? What are we going to have? 200+ layers per server?

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You’re out of your mind if you think half of these realms won’t be dead in a month to be honest


They don’t use that setup anymore so that’s why you only see Eastern and Pacific.

Thanks Kaivax! Even with being only a few days away from name day, and a couple weeks from launch, seeing the realm list makes it all feel a lot more real. :slight_smile: