WoW Classic Pre-Launch Test 11:00 a.m. PDT August 8 and Minimum Specs

I wonder if the PIII 800 with 384MB of RAM and a Riva TNT2 could run WoW Classic?
That’s the rig I played Vanilla on originally, I was lucky to see 30FPS.

I’m playing with old rigs. My HP laptop is an i3 and can run Retail, but my old Dell desktop is a core duo and can’t. I tried and on the desktop WoW crashes at the loading screen because of insufficient video memory.

I also have Linux on the desktop and no way in hell will the Battle net app run on Linux for love or money. The original 1.12 client runs fine, so possibly the Classic client would run fine as well, but rotsa ruck getting the Battle net app even to install through Wine. Blizz has a long history of breaking Linux functionality at random as a result of entirely unrelated maintenance activity, so I’m not going to bother trying on the desktop.

Running arch I got retail to work just fine. Might be an option for you.

you got too dang used to current wow lol. stack some spirit and youll be fine

Anyone know why I can’t click the play button to launch the game? I know its not comp related as I’m on a gaming one. Thanks for any input.

Someone please help me. I wasn’t able to get into classic, the play button being unusable and giving me the message "You can’t play World of Warcraft: Classic yet.
So I tried updating the App, still nothing. I rebooted my whole computer to clear the cache, no change. So I decided uninstalling might be a good idea since I had prior stress test access, maybe there was am issue there. Well I successfully uninstalled it, but now I can’t find how to reinstall Classic… HELP!

Just because you CAN doesn’t mean anything. Yeah it’ll play it, but not with decent FPS.

WOW51900331 - Anyone else getting this error when the client tries to login? “Active game time is required in order to play World of Warcraft Classic”. It gets to the screen saying “Loading Reams” then gives me this error. My game time was added this month so that I could play Classic again once its released. I know this is a test but would be nice to get in & try it out. I played back in Classic myself but not during Beta.

what time friday?! I just got home after working all day… would like more than a few measly hours…

Probably shouldn’t play classic if you can’t figure that out lol. Install regular wow, click the dropdown for your accounts/regions, and select WoW Classic. Hit the install button.

Obviously you have no idea what you’re talking about because I have the same problem, there simply isn’t an option to click “classic test” or whatever in the drop down menu. I uninstalled mine the other day as well and it has completely disapeared from my launcher. I’ve played the stress tests before so I know how to get to it, so does the other guy obviously because he got there before to install it in the first place. Mr obvious telling everybody stuff they know and treats us like idiots lol.

I just hit level 15 and it looks like something is off with the Barrens quests, not sure if this started happening after I hit 15 or if it was still happening at 14. If I were to complete this quest it would give me 1g17s for Consumed by Hatred (60 Quillboar Tusk quest in Barrens) at level 15 and the majority of my quests reward anywhere between 50s-80s if I were to go complete them.

I’m thinking this is just using the system of 15 being “max level” and getting increased rewards due to not being able to get further XP but posting for blues just in case.

The questing was fun in the three zones that I did, Orc, Tauren and Night elf on the 3 different types of servers. The RPPVP, of course, was the best. I am looking forward to playing classic in a few weeks.

This game is dead. Trying to relive the past of what was will last for 1 month once released.

Will this kill the bfa and before servers? I tried to go back in time not for me? The realms already slow and not enough to get a raid going

Do you get to keep this level 15 character when launch? Also, will this character be a place holder for name creation?

It took me years to get that out of my head.

All for naught.
So many memories though, thank you for posting. Dudes did some amazingly funny videos!

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Then why have there been so many private servers thriving with people for the last 10 years? Why are the Classic test servers booming with people right now?

Maybe play live? You are just here to spread negativity around the game. We may be pretending it is 2004, but your kind stopped being welcome in the forums then too. You don’t bring anything but hatred and it damages the game.

When can we pick our named permanently? that’s what i am more concerned about!