WoW Classic Patch 1.13.6 is Here

nope it’s the one to kill the trash mobs that opens up your turn ins for t3 and quests for frost resist gear, with that quest not put in early any guild that goes in when the instance opens and kills any boss will not be able to complete the quest and not be able to get their frost resist or turn in any tier tokens until the following week.

Not a huge deal, but it seems strange that the attunement was put in early possibly to avoid the huge amount of congestion at LHC when it opens but this quest was not.

Ah, i see. If it was anything like the Classic PTR it was a disaster in EPL.

That’s because there is maintenance and an update happening to Classic and the Blizzard launcher clearly states the game won’t be available for play until 3pm today.

Im more concerned if savage fronds will be available.

I went to Light’s Hope to check on AD quests… okay not in the game, maybe they’ll be with the invasion on Thursday. Then I went to the Warsong Gulch vendor and no pants… starting to get annoyed. Now I see this blue post; I guess today isn’t Phase 6 at all, then. Misleading AF.

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Please addeess this ASAP:

What’s so confusing about it? He specifically states that the bugfixes are out this patch today and that the new content is releasing on Thursday.

You mean “a rare nature resist ring”
Theres no epic ring except from world dragon quest.

Such a bad move by you guys. No invasion before Naxx release is just bad. The invasion was before launch of Naxx in Vanilla, it should be the same here.

Where’s the quest giver for the Craftsmens Writs?
the NPC isn’t here (Dispatch Commander Metz) the NPC should be here but he isn’t

  • The Argent Dawn token system offers a way for players to earn gear by turning in components at Light’s Hope Chapel.

surely this is the Craftsmens Writ system.

nothing is active till thursday :confused:

Kaivax… you do not bring joy

Still no green lens “of resistance” I’m completely at a loss as to why these aren’t in the game yet. They were around patch 1.4 when the changes occurred, but blizzard doesn’t have them at all currently. I was hoping P6 would be the one.

this patch trash no pant from wsg what was the point of lying about like what the hell is up. Patch ? quest of agen dawn am 999 exalted no pant anywerer and on on wowhead those guys give apparence.

Bro why do you have to make remember gear is irrelevent in retail.

best looking gear in a in classic for a reason they knew stuff would be look with admiration. If they ad the gear as nax pop i think its gonna be uselesss.

french first language i probably misunderstand i know i should use that as an excuse though

Don’t worry about us americans. We just have inflated egos from getting our high school diplomas handed to us. You know the baby sitting service can only last so long.

Resolved an issue that caused partial resists to Damage-over-Time effects to snapshot for the entire duration of the DoT effect.

Thank you. It’s about time. Though it’s a little annoying that ignite only gets an immediate hotfix if dealing more damage than intended… while taking 6 months to fix if dealing less damage than intended.

Because it’s a completely different post after the 1.13.6 patch notes post… Phase 6 was to start on Dec 1 and they added this little unnoticed blue post to be like “psyche, it starts Dec 3 for no reason” which is frustrating.

So… Terrain glitches in WSG fixed? Majority of my matches have had people using the terrain jumps to scale cliffs/walls. One even got on top of the Alliance portal hut to safespot and grief. Wondering why the fix is in the patch notes if it hasn’t been fixed.

People still using terrain exploits in Warsong Gulch. Once again, same person took Horde flag up on top of Alliance portal and sat there griefing until his own team started to report him. He was even streaming it. Does Blizzard not care about this blatant abuse of terrain that they “fixed” in this last patch (not a single one of the terrain jumps have changed. The meta which tells people they only need to be good at jumps, not their class, is still in full swing). I know for a fact this player has been reported multiple times, by Horde and Alliance with screenshots as proof, for likely over a week or two now.