No. the people knew darn well they were exploiting… Even people in my guild said it out right and continued to use it.
No one played the game naturally in a 10m in 5m dungeons, stop lying to yourself. Quests dont work in raids, it warns you not to do it, are you really this dense, or trying to save yourself from a ban?
IQ not required to push keys on a keyboard… IQ is required for understanding situations
I won’t get banned because I’m not playing classic. It’s a poorly designed 15 year old game. You are getting worked up over the least important aspect in your life. It’s a game. it doesn’t matter what anyone else achieves. If you were starting this game to be better than other players than you started for the wrong reasons.
your loss… so quit advocate for breaking our game.
I too like to go to ugandan political debates and insert my opinion on something I know nothing about. GET OUT OF CLASSIC FORUMS IF YOU DONT EVEN KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT.
lol what do you think I don’t know about it? You are calling players exploiters when they didn’t do anything to exploit. There was a bug in the game. It’s been fixed. that’s all there is too it. Move on and get over it, it doesn’t matter if other players got more experience than you.
using a bug for advantage is exploiting…
and it wasn’t a bug until blizzard deemed it a bug in this thread.
You are inserting an argument I never made, I don’t care if people have more xp/level faster than me. I care that people are using an exploit and getting away with it, in blatant disregard for the way that classic was intended to be played.
Throwing grenades off the edge and respawning the platform was a bug too, being able to get loot repeatedly from lfr in dragonsoul was a bug too, ITS NOT ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT IT IS A BUG, IT’S ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT IT WAS OBVIOUS THAT IT WASN’T INTENDED, IN WHICH THIS CLEARLY IS.
IT IS CLEARLY NOT INTENDED, and if BLIZZARD REFUSES TO SUSPEND these people, they are going to upset a LOT of people. You are just ignorant.
Was it in the original classic? did people level in 10 man groups in the original classic? did anyong report this as a bug during beta during classic beta? No, No and Yes. Blizzard knew about it, blizzard responded late, people knew it wasn 't intended, people knew it was an exploit, people should be punished for their OBVIOUS reach of power.
You banned for EXP Potion Exploiting… This is a Clear Exploit too!!!
Blizzard, why are we not at least having a discussion on rollbacks or bans for this.
Some players got an advantage due to an unintended bug that now other players dont have access to. Please explain to me how this isnt a perfect textbook example of when to do a rollback?
Why should they? Blizz knew about it as soon as Twitch did. If they had a problem with it they’d have shut it down before violators exploited it.
how many times do i have to type this: Some players got an advantage due to an unintended bug that now other players dont have access to.
please do explain to me why they should be allowed to keep this advantage that other players no longer have access to.
If i am understanding you correctly you feel that since blizzard took so long to fix it now its okay some people got an advantage? interesting defense…
I’m not sure why you keep saying 10 manning was better than 5 mans or solo, it was generating similar XP per hour. Meaning if you split the 10 man into two 5 mans, they still got the same XP per hour…
All you people calling this an exploit are insane. What happened to the #nochanges #wartsandall crowd? If it was like this in classic 15 years ago then it should be in classic today. Classic was one big buggy mess and that’s what made it fun.
Keep telling yourself that no-name.
If it wasn’t better than why were people doing it, and why did it need to be fixed, are you dumb in the head? or just ignorant? I TESTED THIS ON MY 10 PRIESTS, IT IS AN EXPLOIT, DONT BE DUMB.
Wondering where the line is drawn for people arguing that this is an exploit. What makes something the most efficient route vs an exploit? There has to be a threshold where that mindset changes. Otherwise, you cannot possibly argue that this is an “exploit” without also arguing that any other route in the game that gives more XP than its alternatives is not also an exploit.
Perfectly legitimate playstyles that are questionably efficient are not exploits. I fully agree that this should have been dealt with before live, but running 10-man dungeons in a 5-man tuned environment that allows 10 players that happens to give considerably but not substantially more XP than alternatives is not an exploit, sorry.
Nothing special needed to be done for this to happen. The XP potion bug required using a certain item in a clearly unintended way, with indefinite scaling. Clearly an exploit.
Killing things with 10 people instead of 5? Obviously not intended to be giving as much XP as it was; but there is nothing illegitimate about doing so. Should people not play the game in a way that it’s designed to support because it gave a lot of XP? Apparently despite that advantage it wasn’t enough for World First 60 or World First Molten Core, so we aren’t even talking about disruption on a competitive level.
The best consequence anyone can fairly argue is a slight rollback and you’d be hard-pressed to make a compelling argument for that. Advocating for bans is just embarrassing.
(Also what happened to “It’S aBoUt ThE jOuRnEy?”)