This is a joke right? I’m on Stalagg and everyone here rolled on Stelagg to avoid Faerlina and its streamers and followers. Now the only server you are letting those on Stalagg transfer too is the same one you will only let those on Faerlina transfer too which is Heartseeker.
Because of this no one on Stalagg will transfer cause they all rather have a high queue time than be around any streamers. What the Heck where they thinking on this?
What are you doing Blizzard how can you allow Level 60 transfer to a 3 day old realm where the highest is lvl 35 like in Netherwind I just can’t believe this.
You should probably decide that some people reroll if you want to play together. It seems highly unlikely that blizzard would offer transfers which will allow you all to play together
Damn, any news on paid transfers? with the staggered rollout of servers despite character pre-registration, my main is on a different server to my friends because they couldnt get into arugal.
All these people complaining about FREE transfers to HELP people that don’t want to sit in queues for hours a night. Blizzard could have announced free transfers earlier, but let’s be honest anybody with decent common sense knew this was coming at some point. The question was never IF free transfers were coming but WHEN they were.
Go figure, people these days whine about everything seesh. Ty Blizzard for monitoring the situation
I’m fine with paid transfers as long as they use their old system where there was a 6 month CD, else server communities will suffer. 3 day CD like retail would not work in Classic being people would ninja loot then transfer when blacklisted.
Who says the streamers themselves are going to transfer? Those guys are happily playing their characters every day, and have made no mention of leaving or wanting to leave Faerlina. Such a thing would disrupt their stream and that’s bad for business.
You guys are going overboard in trying to control the population now. Just give free transfers PERIOD and let the problems sort themselves out. Trying to put all these restrictions is just going to cause more problems.
You guys don’t like each other enough to change servers after only a few days of playing and yet you expect Blizzard to somehow resolve that. They need to open up transfers to the servers that are best benefitted by having them. If you just let anyone transfer anywhere, the same problems happen. At a certain point, you have to take responsibility for playing with your friends. All Blizzard can do is get your queue down or get you off a realm with major queues, exactly what they are doing. This way they can guarantee that every server ends up highly populated and not overly queued. Do you just want them to say all these servers, have a field day and go wherever you want. How many times do they have to do that to get rid of the queues or stop the queues from moving to new servers. This is about REDUCING QUEUES. And it will do that.
Not everyone is a poor group of friends split between 3 servers. Entire guilds will move. This is what happened in vanilla as well. If you don’t want to move to a new server to avoid the queue, maybe they will come back to your server after you refuse to move or maybe you can start over on theirs. I don’t know your relationship but playing with my friends is way more important than a couple days of leveling. If it isn’t to you, I get that but stop blaming Blizzard and wait til after everything is stabilized, queues are all resolved, and people are settled in and then pay for server transfer when they allow them. But they’ve gotta wait for everything to settle down first.
i bought activision stock due to the wow hype. made about 10%. Gonna have to sell it now, because this decision to only help some servers and only let them go to select servers is going to turn a LOT of guilds off. Mine included. See ya in archage.
Also, for those wondering why some guilds rolled on different realms. Our guild consists of about 1k members who play many different games. For WoW about 100 of us decided to check it out. There are some of us hardcore, some casual, Some from US, some from Europe, some from Australia and so forth. We are able to log in at different times and that works for some games as it gives us 24 hour coverage. The people that couldnt join us were the ones who worked, or went to school, that could only log in during primetime hours. RIP a good portion of our guild, who decided to play in other areas until server transfers came about. Now they have, but this implementation does nothing to fix our problems. No one is going to reroll on another server that they cant transfer to after they invested so much time. They are going to either be forced to not play with friends, make new ones, or quit and join friends in another game. The last option will win out.
I wonder if many PvPs on Arugal (Oceanic) will take up the offer to move to Felstriker. I notice when loking onto the PvE server that Arugal is frequently High or Full - but since I don’t generally PvP I don’t know if Oceanic players like being on a very busy server or if the queue times are a deterrent.
The other issue, of course, is that Felstriker isn’t a new server so you face the risk of losing your name if you do transfer and then find somebody else has it. Will there be a notification before you make the final move that your name is already in use?
This is how server transfers have worked in every MMO ever released when they are given out for free to fix population issues. You will have the same issues before if you just let everyone move wherever they want. Make sure you short Activision next time.
If people could transfer how they wanted then some people would transfer to the already highly populated servers, this would be bad in the long term and make popultions less balanced.
I’m an AUS player and the queues don’t bother me to be honest. I’m quite happy to get home from work, log on and sit in a queue for an hour while I go do other things that need doing. I won’t be transferring, that’s for sure.