Wow classic cost?

The servers to run. Employees’ paychecks. Janitorial service. Repair services. Taxes. The vending machines. The food in the cafeteria. Post-It notes. Software updates. Emergency medical kits.

The subs we pay maintain everything Blizzard does and has to do.

I’m beginning to doubt any of these people whining “But what am I PAYING FOR?!” ever took an accounting course.

There won’t be either option, because it makes no business sense to split your customer base that way.

The only reason given for not wanting a shared sub is “EWW RETAIL COOTIES!”. Which wouldn’t go over well in a meeting to explain why there’s three separate sub categories.


Except you’re already splitting your customer base. And as Ythisens has confirmed they can see who is playing what. The only reason for having the sub combined is to try to prop up modern wow with Classic.

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Except no. They don’t report who plays each game: the MAU’s are split up between Blizzard, Activision and King. If more people log-in to play Classic, what we’ll end up seeing is “Blizzard MAU’s were up x% over last quarter.”

Of course they’re not going to report who is playing what. For real. Ythisens said that they can see who is playing what. So if 500k people sub to exclusively play classic, the combined sub means they can tell their share holders and investors “WoW subs are up 500k” and not actually be lying.

They don’t report WoW subs to the shareholders and investors and haven’t for several years now. You’re complaining about them doing something that they don’t do.

What even am I complaining about right now? I’d love to know.

I said I’d like a classic only sub option. When asked about, I said I’d be in favor of a modern only option as well.

My opinion is that the only reason to have a combined sub is to prop up modern wow. Not actually a complaint there.

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And as has been pointed out to you, that opinion is based on an objectively false assumption: there is no mechanism by which Classic WoW can “prop up” Retail WoW.

I want to go to Disneyland and ask for a discounted admissions ticket because I only like the Tomorrowland section of Disneyland, and have no desire to set foot in any other section.

I’m sure they’d acquiesce.


The argument that the sub cost pays for things related to classic isn’t even relevant or likely.

The game has always had a sub cost, regardless of where that money is being spent. Money made from wow does not stay in wow alone. If you are upset with that then thats on your end. Any money you pay for a blizzard game is going to be used by all of blizzard (and activision) in some manner. So if that is your hangup then best to look elsewhere now.

The game has a sub because it has always had a sub. That is about all the defense you are going to get. If you wanna save a couple bucks a month then go for the 6 month option.

If you do not see classic wow having enough value to pay for a sub then that is your answer.


Good post, don’t worry about all the sensitive people in the community complaining. Straight to the point answers like this are needed. Cheers


Prove it. But wait you can’t. Just because they don’t publicly report sub numbers, doesn’t mean they aren’t tracked. Can you name 1 other reason to combine the subs and not give the option to pay for only 1 or the other?

Because they want to bring people back into the loop that aren’t playing as well as measure the demand for classic titles (not just wow).

If you listened carefully to blizzcon announcements they have an entire team devoted to classic blizzard games. They can directly see who is subbing just to play classic wow. This is also why you have warcraft III having such a long pre-order window. They can use that to gauge interest in things, and use that info to allot resources to other projects (diablo 2, wc1/2, etc).

From the little I’ve read of shareholder meetings, they also seem to take an overall view of things and report daily users and playtime rather than subscriber numbers (though they are obviously connected). So if they can bring in an influx of new people playing wow (even if its just classic) then that will make time/resources more likely to be allotted to that side of things.

they will ‘prop’ each other up.

brakes bro,lol. never said you were, was making the comment because i was not finding the armory.

And… with that in mind, we will be paying sub fee for possible future classic expansions, and also GM-classic support.

Monitor some of the: economy / social / technical -issues.

You buy gold and I’ll pay blizzard real gold over a few years period 1 ounce for around 8 years of play time , dedicated to banning you (if you buy) :slight_smile: !

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Because as you spent all that time just saying that you can’t actually disprove it, means it’s disproven? I mean, I asked for 1 other possible reason they could not have a classic only option and you went on this long tirade just to admit in the end, you can’t actually disprove anything I just said.

Speculation based merely on ones external observation doesn’t make that speculation false. You can have you opinion of what they are doing or why, doesn’t make it any less of an opinion.

There’s no area of modern WoW to prop up that would make any real sense, though.

Subscription numbers? They don’t report those, and their own internal metrics show who is playing what. There is no conceivable benefit to doing this.

Subscription money? Again internal metrics will show what’s bringing in more money, so there’s no real benefit to propping up modern WoW’s numbers.

The actual playerbase size? Between CRZ and Sharding, you would need an exceedingly low population before the average player noticed anything. Classic WoW wont have any effect here.

It’d make more sense to say the subscription is combined in the hopes that people who get bored with modern WoW will play Classic instead of unsubbing.

Which is about making more money rather than propping anything up.


$15 per month is nothing, even if the content is “static.”

I will likely average 2 hours per day (some days, zero hours; weekends, probably 6+ hours- that’s how averages work). So in a typical month, 60 hours or so played time. Against $15, that’s about $0.25 per hour.

Yeah, I’m fine with that.

But for me, the content is not “static” as my long-time, IRL and in-game friends are the content. The rest is just a shoebox we play in.

To each their own. Have fun however you have fun.


You’re right, there is no real benefit to doing it, but it’s still tracked, even if they don’t look at the numbers. The database is still going to have a list of every account and how many accounts have active wow subscriptions.

Yes their internal metrics will tell them who is playing what. But remember Blizzard is owned by Activision. Which would you rather report to the Activision board? “500k players are playing classic wow and 1.25 million players are playing modern wow” or “1.75 million players are playing wow”. One of those is faster to say, a larger number, and more likely to stick in the mind of a board member.

Not really concerned with Classic’s effect on what the Modern WoW player base perceives as far as it’s population density.

And I’m not, nor have I ever said to take away that option. All I’ve ever advocated for is the option to subscribe to classic and classic only and I am more then willing to let Modern WoW players subscribe to both or have an option for just Modern WoW.

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