WoW Classic Closed Beta Has Returned

i dont want you in open beta you BFA pleb.


go play diablo immortal

Is this where I am supposed to be offended?

Keep it moving folks.

Makes perfect sense thank you, lines up with my assumptions actually

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nobody know you or cares, keep stepping nobody.

How do you burn yourself out on a game you play for LIFE!

I’m disappointed no one new is being added to the beta, but I look forward to watching my favorite streamer(s) play the game again.

Let’s not delude ourselves into calling this a beta, though. If Blizzard needed the 40-45 content to be tested, there’s no reason they couldn’t have done that weeks or months ago.

I just made a 40 gnome mage and you get a cat mount! Pretty sweet…wouldn’t that normally be a long rep grind? Also…dang at the spells a mage gets at 40…I never played one before.

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All testers who previously had access to the closed beta are now able to log into those realms. Characters that were previously created on the beta test realms were removed, and level 40-character templates are now available. The level cap has been increased to 45.

This is why people are pissed Blizzard. You could have let everyone stay in the OPEN beta to lvl 45 and had more people to report bugs and peopel to actually stay excited. Everyone in the closed beta even thinks you should be adding more people. So what do you do? You add everyone for 1 weekend, to lvl 15 then kick them all out again and go back to closed. Thanks blizzard for showing you truely dont care about your player base.

“You think you do, but you don’t” - .,i.,


Pure unadulterated trend driven brilliance from mktg, I am not disappoint.

In the meantime, do you guys not have phones?

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Actually, no I don’t.
I still own a flip-phone so no Diablo Immortal for me.

I guess I will do a BRD run in retail to figure out how to do the bar part among other sections.

I used to know that dungeon inside and out, we will see how well i remember it after over a decade.

True true, Blizzard is just a small indie company afterall…

Nope. You just missed the point.

The what? /Sips tea

Friends and Family already tested the 50-60 zones, now the peasants will give Blizzard free Q&A testing for 40-45.

Obviously Maraudon since apart from MC and Onyxia, most people will be doing that.

I mean, everyone and their dog are classic veterans, so they’ll know and remember exactly how to play, since they’ve been playing on private servers for the last 15 years. However …

Just pretend for a moment, that there’s going to be some people that have been dedicated to the retail up-to-date version of WoW for the last 15 years and they’ll just play ‘classic on a whim’.

I am going to be there will be A LOT of people sub’d that are in this boat. How many, we’ll find out and it might be measurable on our end by how long the Queue Times were during the pre-launch event if we can figure out a # of players participating, and compare it to the launch queues that are bound to happen.

I don’t even want to think about it, but if there’s no login screen boss, then it’s not classic wow launch.

My guess is they performed internal testing through 60 and this is more of a marketing blitz before launch. It’s not like they promised we could play and took it away.

Can you please make it so the death skeletons and corpses of players act how they did in vanilla? The skeletons and dead corpses of logged out players disappear at the moment. And you’re limited to 1 skeleton per person and in vanilla it was unlimited. There is a thread pointing this out with around 150 likes and still no response or fix for this issue yet.


WoW, that’s it just wow. Activision at its best :frowning: