WoW Classic Character Clone Pricing Update

I am really happy :heart_eyes:


Should have raised the price to $50 per copy.

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interesting. Maybe even mildly disturbing

I’m curious why cloning exists at all. Forgive me, I haven’t really followed the updates very closely so I don’t know a lot of details. But why clone? Why didn’t they just build BC off of Classic and allow for natural progression? You’ve never had to clone a character to move to the next expansion before.

Is there something I’m missing or is this just a money grab?

You don’t have to, you can move to TBC without paying anything, just like it worked in all the other expansions you paid for.

There’s never been a precedent where we had the last expansion available the same time they moved onto a new one, and we could play our character in both versions of the game.

Also, you’re doing this with a single subscription. You now get 3 games with a single subscription.

I just feel like you’re being entitled.

They are keeping classic and TBC classic separate. Two different games, much like retail and classic are now. Cloning lets you keep the same character on both games, neither of which you have to pay a box price for.


I’m glad you guys changed the price, but the fact that you guys even thought you could get away with $35 in the first place is absolutely ludicrous. We shouldn’t have to fight tooth and nail to not get taken advantage of with literally every decision Blizzard makes.

Still not buying it because it’s ridiculous to even charge people in the first place, but at the very least I’m not completely repulsed by the very concept now.

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Taking a page out of Frank Reynold’s playbook ehhh? Nice.

Deleted anytime the ptr goes down. My point is that I can clone my retail character to the ptr 100000 times a day and it will cost me nothing

I feel like there should also be 1 free clone and then maybe a fee.

I feel my mortgage should be no more than $500 a month.

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I’m supposed to commend you for charging us for a service that’s supposed to be free? You guys can still kick rocks. I’m not giving you a freaking penny. I want a deep explanation of WHY you guys need money to simply clone a character between both versions. I still haven’t seen it. @Kaivax

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I’m glad you have worked out a solution to your dilemma.

It’s a profit-making business. If you’d like to know more your local community college probably has introductory economics classes.

Hint: cost+ pricing models aren’t widely used in service industries.

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Paid Level 58 Boosts are an abomination.

Ah yes, Activision tightens its grips. The Blizzard stans hard defend it, releasing a decade + old game and charging money for it and people are happy to hand their money over to papa Bizzard.

To hold your character on a server takes less resources than an excel spreadsheet showing how depressing this is, and people still defending paying for it.

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How do you feel about mage boosts and GDKP?

Im guessing here but is he saying if the price was 35 then some ppl would think that anyone who pays 35 is going to actually play on the server. Where as if it was very low price or free then u would see a lot of players that were just popping in once a month to cherish thier past character?

He’s saying that having a commitment of paying money creates a commitment of playing classic era which fosters “lasting” relationships…which is obviously a logical fallacy if you give it even a modicum of thought.

Additionally, they are likely purposefully trying to cut down the population of classic so that they can connect the servers without having to worry as much about over population.

All of this, of course, while they line their pockets with money.

I don’t quite think you understand. It says cloning on classic, not cloning on TBC. And you basically tell me the same thing I just said.

You feel like I’m entitled, I just feel like you’re another Blizzard sales rep, sent here to argue that everyone should pay for anything they deem we should pay for, including content we ALREADY PAID FOR LONG AGO. You’re trying to convince me that it’s ok to be double charged under threat of character deletion, if selecting to move my toon to TBC instead of clone it on classic.

It’s the same game buddy, without expansions attached to it…there’s no denying this. What we play today stemmed from this. You even refer to it as an expansion, which the definition alone acknowledges it expands upon what was there previously.

So the mere fact that they decided to keep 2 different servers was done purely for this money grab. The notion that you believe this is perfectly OK is a sad sign of the times and is ruining the gaming industry.

You see how they’ve done right? They fabricated a problem for the player, and to get out of that problem, you have to pay them. The way they initially handled this was worse than how they are approaching it now, I will agree with that, but they only did it because they crunched the numbers and found out that more money can be made this way, than their previous approach… if it was going to make them a lot of money, despite the outrage, they wouldn’t give a hoot.

Respect from Blizzard towards their players should be something they greatly consider. Otherwise it’s a desperate sinking ship where they will try to cling to life by grabbing more and more from those who are foolish enough to remain, until enough are offended that nothing can save it.

Wow, we got all the Blizzard employees focusing hard on this thread to combat further discourse.

We have subscription fees, that’s our mortgage.

They didnt have to give us the ability to have the exact same toon in two separate games. I feel like that is something to stop and think about.


It’s cute that you think anyone who disagrees with your entitlement is a blizzard rep. Everyone knows blizzard reps don’t talk to us. :stuck_out_tongue:

You don’t have to play TBC. You can keep your character on classic and pay nothing. You can start new on TBC if you want to do that.

You don’t have to pay to continue playing classic, other than a subscription. You only pay if you want to play the exact same character independently on both games.

You literally don’t have to pay anything to continue playing how you were. You don’t have to pay anything to move to TBC. You get that choice.

The only things you pay for are completely optional services. Cosmetic stuff, boost, character clones, realm transfers, etc…

Again, you’re just coming off as entitled. Throwing a childish temper tantrum because you can’t get this additional service for free as well.