WoW Classic Character Clone Pricing Update

There you go with the attempt at convincing again…

How about we keep our character on Classic and get to clone to TBC and that be that.

Do you get to transfer characters for free outside of extreme server population issues?

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You are definitely a Blizzard employee battling against the anti-greeders.

Read above discussions and reasoning please. I don’t want to have to repeat myself or requote others that have already talked about this.


When you throw logic, reason and consistency out the window you might have a point

It should be widely accepted knowledge that this Service was going to be charged. And, if it’s a practice you don’t support then don’t support it. That being said, I don’t mind the charge, but the original $35 charge was not the right price range for it. I’m even shocked they went below $25, so I’m happy :slight_smile:

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Why should it be accepted at all? LOL

This “feature” shouldn’t cost anything and anyone who disagrees is a blizzard shill. It is by far in the best interest of the game to have as many people with access to both TBC and Vanilla servers as possible. There isn’t any argument to go against that.

This is wholely an unappologetic cash grab and blizz knows it. They see the oppertunity as they have players by the balls, and they want to drain them for every cent they can. They ran the math and figured they could make more money with a higher percentage buying the clone for $15 then the lower percentage buying it for $35. That’s it. That’s the reason we got the price reduction.


They probably ran everyone’s chat through some AI processing program and found that $15 is more acceptable to most… though, most people aren’t focusing on why they shouldn’t have to pay since their thoughts are being directed towards worrying about loss of their character.

I haven’t heard a single good reason from any of these under cover Blizzard sales reps as to why this is worth a single penny.

Because Blizz is a business. Anyone who thought it was going to be free is kidding themselves.

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Doesn’t make it the right course of action

Blizzard, thank you very much for listening. $15 is much more reasonable.


That’s not my argument.

If you expected “free” stuff from Blizz, you’re looking in the wrong place, and IDK what you’re trying to accomplish by shaming those of us happy about the change.

Anyway, do I agree that it should be free? Yes. Am I going to throw a temper tantrum about it? No. Considering Blizz’s history, I don’t recall too many instances where their in-game Services have gone below $20 aside from Pets. Literally SHOCKED that the Copy is $15, TBH.

There is no shaming going on towards anyone who is happy they are now only getting ripped off half as hard as they were before.

I’m glad you believe it should be free. That’s what people should be aiming for considering TBC was paid for over a decade ago, as was Classic, and that your characters are being held hostage for ransom.

It is only acceptable if people let it be acceptable. Do you want to actually pay for this? Should you actually pay for this? Both answers should be no. I don’t think anyone would say, yes please charge me money for something that costs you nothing.

They have admitted this is new to them. Yes, and now it’s going to only get worse if people accept this at all. It’s going to happen, every-single-time a new xpac comes out.

Speed up the xpac server releases x 100…let them catch up to Shadowlands. Would you pay again for BFA? How about pay again for Shadowlands? Keep your toon in BFA, and then clone it to Shadowlands?

Still shaming, anyway LOL

I disagree with that. I believe the fight to lower the price was a success.

If I’m having to pay for the Copy than the $15 charge is more acceptable than $35, yes. IDK why it’s not :confused:

Do I WANT to, ofc not. NOBODY wants to pay for anything LOL

“Should”? No. That’s NOT that same as “would I?”

Here we go, the Slippery Slope fallacy.

I accept that $15 is better than $35.

I don’t expect Blizz to disappoint, when they try to gouge their customers out of their money. This really shouldn’t be a shock.

No because I’m not interested in those expansions. You’re assuming I would replay ALL of WoW, again, but I’m not going to. I have no interest in playing a WoW version of the game, that I don’t like.

Report me for telling you that you’re being ripped off then. What a horrible thing for me to say, right? I’d like to see if I get my post removed. I assume Blizzard is just waiting in the bushes for an ambush to silence people opposed to this.


The fight to lower the price down from $35 is still a success. $15 is still lower than $35. What you’re fighting for is an absolutely free service and absolute refusal to pay for it, at all. That’s on you for wanting to continue to be grumpy about it, that’s fine.

I’m happy about it. I don’t view $15 as a “ripoff”. I think it’s the cheapest Service Blizz has avail. And, I expect MANY people will be utilizing it, even at $15. Not many would be using it at $35, that’s for sure.

Remember when they banned people for posting how to get Warcraft 3 reforged refunds?

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I 'member.

If I’d been drinking coffee, I would have spat a fair amount of it on the monitor when I saw the words " we’ve gotten a very large amount of feedback from the community, and we’ve decided to lower the price".

The next words from me where: “I don beleeeve it!”.

Not the Classic Development team but the WoW Development Team. I thought there were separate teams for retail and Classic?

They probably got fired so Kotick could have more money.