WoW Classic Character Clone Pricing Update

hmm? I’m confused to what you mean. I’m payin for a clone of my character so that I can play him in classic forever but so i can also use the same character to move to tbc.

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The arguement we are making is why you shouldn’t have to pay.

I bought TBC back when it was made…everyone who paid for the expansion at that time, funded it’s development.

Everyone should benefit from that, and with these recent changes, free copy over to TBC, that’s been realized.

Now on to the preservation of your classic era toon…

The cloning costs nothing, as Eleanor mentioned above. It’s automated by a computer program, just as the PTR Test server is automated. You pay nothing when you copy your toon over to PTR, right?

If it costs nothing to clone, why pay for it?

Everyone (edit who wants to move to TBC as well) is literally being threatened with the loss of their character unless they fork up $15 for something that costs Blizzard zero dollars to begin with.

i really doubt most people wanted the higher clone cost , its pretty clear with the back peddling from blizzard and the outrage of cost on the forum.
i still wouldnt pay them anything for this service though,should be part of the sub fee.


Wait, you bought classic? I got it for free with a subscription.

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Us old farts paid for the original game and expansions along the way.

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Hey, I did, too.

But, like, Classic is a different thing. It’s not the vanilla game we initially paid for, that we paid expansions for, and such.

I mean, sure, some of us paid for this specific game back in the day. But there’s no cost with buying it now. You buy a sub, you get the game.

Not sure what you mean by its not the same vanilla game we initially paid for. Seems pretty close to me, just without the initial cost associated with the development of the game.

Is that all you meant? It’s the same but without the initial price tag?

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I’m not sure how there are people here that are buying the whole, “We’ve listened to your feedback and out of the goodness of our hearts we have decided to lower the price <3.” I think you guys knew that there was gonna be backlash because of the pricing and “lower” it to show that Blizzard “listens and cares” about their customers.

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Yeah probably pre-planned fallback move.

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its a smart move for blizzard, they probably will make way more money this people will be thinking of cloning multi characters unstead of just one.or cloning 1 character when there where not going clone any.everybody wins!

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The game’s free now. Anyone can join up, pay $15 for a month, and they get this game.

It’s not a game you pay for anymore, even if we paid for a similar version 16+ years ago.

TL/DR: Different time. Different game. It’s a free game.

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Well yeah, there shouldn’t be a cost associated with the game, and that decision was made the moment they decided to make it free to DL and playable through sub.

Do you know why I said we bought classic and bought expansions?

I’m of the believe we shouldn’t have to pay for the cloning of our toons on classic if we choose to move to TBC.

Imagine if you bought the next expansion and if you wanted to continue playing your current character in the new zones as well as the old zones you’d have to pay an extra fee. Now imagine you already bought that expansion 10 years ago.

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Server merges just removed any incentive to clone

Total disaster

You could always keep 1 character on classic and 1 on tbc for free, but instead you want to clone the character which is a service never offered until now.

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I already prepared myself that they would probably charge us for the Copies. And even expected a greedy amount of $25 minimum. I was disappointed that it was $35 but not all that surprised. Now, it’s $15, and I’m SHOCKED! I didn’t think Blizz would offer a Service for such a low price. It’s the CHEAPEST Service out there! So, I’m thankful.

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This is the most obvious blizzard employee ive ever seen.

Literally shilling in every single thread.


woah woah woah, it’s a fabricated problem so they say what you just said. You work for Blizz or what? Literally nobody tries to convince themselves to pay for something they shouldn’t have to pay for to begin with.

Then keep 1 character in classic and another in tbc for free and don’t pay for it.

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