Wow classic Anniversary Hoj drop rates

you’re trolling right?

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look on any classic WoW site about HoJ, it only mentions drops off of emp :expressionless: that’s how it always was.

any time it dropped off angerforge was a change by blizzard to make it EZ mode for streamers and their followers.

it’s such a weird troll, lying to make me think you don’t know the truth…

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check the “dropped by” section :expressionless:

alright you win i believe you, you don’t know the truth and you’re bad at researching.



in the original game, only emp dropped HoJ
all instances in which HoJ dropped from angerforge was a change blizz did to make the game EZ mode
those are the facts :expressionless:

please stop replying, i know you’re trolling and you know you’re trolling the game is up. let it go.

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I accept your concession :expressionless:

i wish they keep dropping on both bosses, i didn’t know it was on anger so i didn’t leveled my warrior already

they should give us the info before Anniversary release, its too late for me to farm it now…

i hate streamers favoritism

Allakhazam comments are still on wowhead and confirm the angerforge drop, but keep trying to lie for attention :expressionless: You must not have ran BRD before 1.9.4

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this has to be a hunter main hahaha

so far i am at 300 runs of anger and not seen hoj… this is soo stupid

as someone who actually played in 2004, you’re wrong. I got my HoJ back in the day off Angerforge. Its also situationally more difficult when it drops from AF as opposed to Emp, just because the drop rate is abysmal. Took me 94 runs in anniversary :frowning:

Took me over 100 runs not even capping, felt parts of my soul die after each run seeing the axe 10 times in a row

The loot in this game indeed seems bugged, but it’s the typical thing they would never fix because they figure people just don’t understand probability. Still there is a screencap going around of someone looting 2 “Stockade Pauldrons” at once, I’d sure like to see someone defend that one under IRL mathematical credentials.

pretty simple it’s the law of large numbers.

it is surprising when you win the lottery, it is not surprising that someone won the lottery.

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2 epics in quick succession, that’s just too borked though, and the same one at that!

loot drop is all about RNG (Random Number Generator)

i saw a lvl 54mage with HoJ equiped and when i asked him “did you need on that trinket just to fill the empty slot”? he replied no he won it by greed when none in group wanted it. Meanwhile u can farm for months without seeing hoj :stuck_out_tongue:

btw it’s not about hoj, it’s every item in game, some people could do +100run for dungeon drop they want while other people could get it from first few tries.

I saw two in two days of Arena/Anger/Golem runs.