WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Realms Information -- Updated Nov. 18

GDKP ban killed SoD it wasn’t successful lmao


SoD is the most inflated and botted gold has ever been in any version of wow, its actually insane that americans believe that removing GDKP stopped this.


Alright, you guys changed my mind. I’m resubbing.

Thank you for finally listening…finally.


thank you :expressionless: thank you for finally giving us vanilla fresh


Two questions:

  1. Will TBC become an era realm or will we have our progression removed after TBC again?
  2. Will there be any way that once the fresh realms hit the last phase that era is on to be able to transfer our era characters to TBC?

I’ve got characters in era I’ve been working a lot on and don’t want that time to be wasted leveling new characters…Even if it meant a gold cap on character transfer to TBC or something…


I like that we can toggle back to OG layout… +1 for this…

I use to be very much opposed to GDKP while gold buying was rampant and a plague on Era, but after all the botters moved to SoD / Cata and gold buying is far less a problem; GDKP is actually a great loot system because its effectively Traditional DKP that you can move from character to character and even use as tender to buy consumes.

The real problem is not GDKP its the gold buyers; the real solution to deal with the problem is to perma ban the entire Battlenet account of any one purchasing gold at any time no matter how large or how small that purchase may be. I am not opposed to players who were banned buying new accounts and coming back, but so long as the bans are permanent for confirmed gold buying its a slam dunk on cracking down on the real problem. No buyers = no problem.

Consider this wisdom.

More feedback to come later.


They mentioned you can transfer to the PVE one only:

Hardcore almost definitely won’t have any PVP. PVE and the PVP one will almost for sure be on the same battlegroup as they always have been.

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Delaying MC/Ony is heavy handed and pointless, probably kills some hype for the race. We don’t need our hand held, or top down control on our pace we play at, hope this gets reversed.

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wooo here we go!


Cool I wasn’t really sure you would do fresh let alone go to TBC.

Now next week I’ll have something to do for a while… especially since… Winter is coming.


I skimmed and didn’t notice this, but that is nice that they are doing that.


Please add an RPPvP realm for launch! Grobbulus was super successful


it’s an embarrassment for sure


Please let us gdkp. cringe to remove player driven content.


Awesome to have a fresh! The progression of the phases is too slow tho. 3 month in MC isn’t going to work today. The entire season should last 6 months, then reset again.

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wow this all looks really excit- oh, no GDKP? Back to era I guess. Maybe blizz will get it right next year.

SoD literally took a -50% population loss the same lockout they announced GDKP ban, it is the only non-deterministic pug loot system that exists. No one wants to do pugs 50 weeks in a row and lose 7 DSTs to grey parsers that dont consume and will never be seen again and quit after 2 weeks.


Will we be able to make draenei shamans and blood elf paladins from the beginning, just capped at 60?


No progression on Hardcore its completely pointless.

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Can we please have dual spec?


Can you provide any update if the farming changes will be in such as Black Lotus?