WoW Classic 1.13.3 Patch Notes

Being able to skip all the objectives is not “efficient” it’s undertuned.
Hate to say it, but running ain’t hard in the game.

If running to the boss is the only thing that matters? Yawn :sleeping:

The only people who like the bg in the current state are those who aren’t interested in PvP and only care about honor.
At which stage, if you play the game for a number why play at all? Go out in the world and compete in a real situation where rank is important.

For those of us who actively want to play the game, as a game, this version of AV is just disgraceful.


I imagine that the mount riding simulator is what gives blizzard “clarity”.

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Sounds like the WoW team needs to ask the HOTS team how to balance AV.

They will be splitting them up between East/West as well I believe.

Edit : I am wrong

He called you’re idea stupid. He didn’t call you mentally disabled, as you currently sound in your response.

Please keep these forums civil.

Also, I’m extremely doubtful they will include race changes. Therefor faction changes will not happen. This is why you’re idea does not make sense.

I understand why you want faction balance. They can limit which servers you will be allowed to transfer to, but they will be the extent of their limitations.

So Why have you not added the character transfers yet?.. This is one of the more anticipated items that most people did during Vanilla anyway to fix issues, yet you delay the option. Stop delaying, add the character transfers so people can get their enjoyment in on characters they actually WANT to play instead of starting ALL Over again!

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Hell yeah brother. I played this game everyday until I took the xfer to the only option i was given Arcanite Reaper and theres barely 900 people there 60% alliance. Finding groups is a pain and the AH is lousy.

Is there a reason that I have had outrageous server lag since this patch dropped? I was around 50ms for all of classic, now im 300-500ms. Disabled all addons and reset all interface and cache, etc. Nothing else lags.

Any advice?


I did have the same problem I drop things to low and that fix the problem

so is binding powder now just vendor trash? I am trying to find out what the heck to keep and toss as a rogue… gamepedia says trash with the last patch.

Same-server BGs would be TERRIBLE!!! Can you imagine how long you’d have to wait just to get in one?! It’s bad enough with que times now, so that would just completely break the system and render it useless and unplayable!

Also, it wouldn’t help balance anything, people don’t think collectively and why should they? When rolling a new toon, people try to get on the same servers as their friends or popular ones, which is why the imbalance occurs in the first place.

An addition such as this would be greatly appreciated Community Manager Kaivax.

Why on earth did you necro this?


The majority of players have not agreed. He’s even made a thread elsewhere while recruiting others (check his logs and whispers to see what was really said to get them to post) where even in that thread the majority didnt agree but called him out on his actions.

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