WoW Classic 1.13.3 Patch Notes

Keys only, no attunement items. I believe you are referring to Drakefire Amulet, which cannot go in keyring.

- A company, that while having a fully functional more authentic and content-full version, followed through by using the most nerfed, neutered, stripped down version that is a flat out race where PVP is not happening.


Typical coward, hiding behind an alt so he doesnā€™t get camped :frowning:

Servers are up and running.

Too many many people are whining about it. There wouldnā€™t be a need for ā€œsage adviceā€ if there werenā€™t 30 million threads whining about pvp

Oh Iā€™m sorry, I should instead go with ā€œyou made your bed now lay in itā€ instead?

Has this caused any framerate problems with the client? a Guildie has all of a sudden dropped to 5 FPS

Iā€™m sorry, what? That may quite possibly be the stupidest thing Iā€™ve ever read on these forumsā€¦

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Where is our classic AV you chodes. Instead we get this retail PVE garbage. Keep failing your market you trash company.

That is actually unfair to retail. In retail people will wait for the towers/bunkers to be destroyed because if they donā€™t the final bosses will clap their cheeks. Sad day when retail has something MUCH better than Classicā€¦

lol Yeah because the retail AV is a good thing, itā€™s still a PVE BG. The entire point of BGā€™s is to force PVP interactions. AV has failed at this for many many years.

True. But in retail you can force a turtle rather easily. Not so much when final bosses are squish.

Whelp. Been looking forward to this patch since release, the entire thing I levelled for only to have this experience?

Honestly to say disappointing is an under statement. 0. The number of hks in a ā€œPvPā€ game of AV.
All objectives ignored, including gys. Players simply entered Drekā€™s room and killed him instantly. The game was over in 5 mins, the time it took for them to get to the other end of the map.
I spent more time in the lobby, and more time in the waiting room than I did actually experiencing the game. 0/10.


AV sucks. I want very long AV. plz fix

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Are you trolling? Or are you mentally disabled? Iā€™d bet youā€™re a bit of both.

Iā€™m not even going to argue with someone as far gone as you as to why transfers need to be faction specificā€¦just wowā€¦

You got it.

Authentic VANILLA 1.12 AV.


I had the same issue and I believe it was due to my dual graphics configuration. Oftentimes those settings are configured per executable, and if his default is to use the slower integrated card itā€™s likely that the WoW executable being renamed essentially defaulted his rig to using the integrated card. He should be able to simply update his nVidia/ATI settings to use the better GPU for the new renamed WoW executable, or simply set it so that it uses the best GPU by default (which is what fixed it for me).

Us east and west are together can confirm I have seen players from East servers and I am on a West server.

We need old school AV, lets get rid of the current trash AV


Sounds like an efficient team was in your AV. Good on them