WoW! Blackwing Lair Cleared in 42 Minutes!

They wiped numerous times LOL you just read Tim’s tweet and probably didn’t even watch the stream retail nub

Someone won the superbowl in the 80’s Tom Brady sucks right?

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Good! Means we will be able to clean all 3 raids in one evening!

You might, most of us normal people wont.

I can already tell you that in the Immortal words of Illidan Stormgage, I am not prepared.

I really wonder what the point of playing is for these people. Its like playing pack man for the last 15 years. Gotta be boring as hell.

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I don’t understand this post or the analogies, Yes the Superbowl is annual but the first Superbowl winner will and always will be the FIRST Superbowl winners, The World First will always be the World Firsts, the game is not new. They can have a realm first as the realms are new but never a world first. Neil Armstrong will always be the First man on the moon, can that be taken away as well? can Schmitt claim he was first man on moon because it was a different Apollo mission?


you never played 15 years ago, you don’t get to make that call. lol, keep saying its the same yet you were never there to experience it in the first place.

so player’s character level nullifies his opinion? wow you sure are good witg come backs in an argumebt. Get over it.

In which of 6 major patch revisions?
What a person remembers could vary depending on what patch they did BWL in, and if they even remember what patch it was in.
(and who would expect most to?)

1.01 was vanilla, 1.12 was vanilla
yet those are two hugely different experiences

Oh look, another Retail troll.

Obviously Classic must be compared to Vanilla patch 1.12. Anything else is apples and oranges.

Yes but most of us, our memories do not include cataloging the patch number in our minds.
For a lot of people, outside of some new content, a patch was just a login delay.

Yes, because this is exactly the same as Vanilla.

Ask anyone who plays Classic, this isn’t Vanilla. So many changes from the original version. New talents, gear that didn’t exist / wasn’t as good, things coming out in a different order than Vanilla. Don’t forget the outside influences like Wowhead, YouTube and Discord as well. Information is so much easier to get than it was. You’d have to be an idiot to think this is anything like it was 15 years ago. imo its almost a different game because for most of Vanilla it wasn’t like this.

Its great to see these people go out and do what they love and defeat it in such a short time too. Just hope people don’t get the wrong idea here that its easy. Players and the conditions around them have improved and changed a lot so its naturally going to be easier than it was 15 years ago but depending on how hard you try to make it easy with world buffs, consumes, etc it can be a tough raid for those that go in blind or doing it for the first time. Can’t wait to see how the community handles AQ.