Not only did they do it a full 7 minutes faster then everyone else because it didn’t open on time…Nef bugged out and took a good extra 10 seconds+ to get where he was suppose to be.
nope, people already have knowledge of raid and clear it faster then ones that don’t have it cause it was new back then, Blizzard did what fans want, but classic fan boys like to deny how easy to play through classic compare to retail in raids, that they will blame blizzard then themselves for everything!
It’s mind boggling how obtuse Blizzard is to the fact that we wanted Classic endgame to be at least reasonably close to as hard as it was in Vanilla. The fact any guild could clear it in one reset let alone less than an hour shows just how much they are catering to retail players. They also want to make sure we clear everything before the next retail xpac comes out. What a shame and missed opportunity.
Didn’t you listen to the ActiBlizz earnings call? Classic woW is very popular in the East in terms of retention. Surprised that more top slots didn’t go to China, er, I mean, the East.
In calamity’s videos of the kill, you can clearly see the boss died literally the second the clock in the upper right hand corner of the player’s clients changed from 41 to 42 minutes. Not sure where you guys at Blizzard HQ got those extra 20 seconds from…
Also, some of the OG players don’t want their past ‘accomplishments’ in vanilla diminished. There can be only one winner and in their minds they won 15 years ago.
I barely play classic wow these days but, I still find this very interesting. There’s something fun about seeing people who are good at their thing do their thing. Given how popular tournaments are for speedrunning, its pretty safe to say i’m not alone in this thinking. Blizzard is showing people something they care about, you just don’t happen to share the same feeling which is fine, its not for everyone.