WoW Armory displays improper stat counts

Its been broken like this for some time, I would be grateful for it to be fixed

The stats on the armory page are less than what I have in game with the exact same gear equipped, the error is the same for every character I check.

Having this not function for such a long time is an annoyance that lowers the quality of how the company that’s creating the game is viewed. as if nobody cares about it functioning properly at all. and it reflects upon the whole game itself when other things don’t work.

any QA manager wouldn’t let that pass, so why has it.
I’m not asking as a direct question but one as parabole. It doesn’t require a response but it require reflection.

These errors shouldn’t be present on your own platform.

Then you want to post in the Website bug report forum as CS has nothing to do with it.


Armory Beta is beta?

Fairly certain itnis still a beta armory but not 100% positive.