Wow arena sucks

that is all.


There’s too many absorbs and almost-died-but-didn’t stuff going on.
wont get much better either, im sure they will find a way to throw in more absorbs or cheat death mechanics


Arena started to suck when many classes got nerfed to hell. I hate how Arena gameplay dmg is different from dmg in the World. Then what actually made things cringe worthy was the removal of PVP gear and the addition of stupid trinkets/PVE gear with dumb ability’s. Maledict, Void Stone are both noteworthy arena killers


i concur, the meta is shifting to autochess

Naturally evolving meta working as intended.


I never seen pvp reach such a pve mode. Look at what ww/dk do for example. Sit on one class the entire game with their (wait for it) 8 interrupts.
Dk has 4 and monk has 4.

Kiting is useless this xpac so im not sure why there is so much mobility.
Arena isnt fun due to pve damage and the removal of kiting as mobility is so overtuned.

The trinkets and absorbs are another contribution to the death of arena. I have lost games due to a player having pve trinkets preventing their death. This is not pvp anymore. This is pve arena and to be honest, it doesnt really require much of an IQ to raid and pve damage your way to 2k+


Personally i think if they did something with dk, monks, demon hunters, fury warriors. This game would require an IQ over 5 to play and enjoy. Try to actually think what a fury warrior actually does…

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This is true, especially when you q into mld and double fire as a ret pally. :slight_smile:

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Mages make arena not fun.


lordssut ?

This, 1000%. No other class in the game has so much CC in different schools where landing a kick on an important spell is negligable.

Kicked poly? Db -> Ring of Frost
kicked ring of frost? DB -> Poly x 3
Kick gpyro? Lol now you really lose.


u know mage has two other specs right

This is news to me.

…why did my post instantly edit itself and remove the quote

Cus blizz wants to make sure you cant be mean to people in the comments. Either that or the actual amount of text was using a bunch of memory on the backend because of all the quotes and references.

I figure its not the latter though cus it’s blizzard we are talking about

Anooooother topic stalling the obvious. But you’re still playing.

I guess you people have problems.

Yeah but both frost/arcane can’t kill you 100-0 in a few seconds with instant cast spells that have no real counter outside of hard CC / spamming Purge while you’re dying.

Also tell me again why fire has access to frost nova and ring of frost? Those are uh… frost not fire… I’m pretty sure DB & Blast Wave would be sufficient enough for the spec if they removed fires access to those frost spells.

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Yeah… they probably know that there are other Mage specs in the game; however, let’s be honest with ourselves here - how many Arcane Mages and Frost Mages are you running into in Arenas these days? Seems like 99% of Mages are Fire Mages right now because they have the best CC of all three specs (i.e.: hardest to shut down through spell locks), and a spammable nuke on top of that.

Man, imagine being so meta spoiled as to think that about frost mages

They should ban you from playing classic in release, what a monkey thing to say


That recession of hairline is the worst nerf of all

This is live… multiple expansions past classic. There is no reason that after the Legion “class fantasy” rebuilds any mage spec got to keep any portion of other spec’s abilities.

Fire = Fire spells
Frost = Frost spells
Arcane = Arcane spells

Not really a hard concept to grasp.

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