Wow and the Concept of the Female Warrior

OP post a picture of yourself so we can see how “historically accurate” of a warrior you are IRL


Joan of arc never actively participated in combat.


That might be true if only members of the military died during wars.


Are historical demon hunters actually elves who shoot lasers from their eyes?


The Greeks also spoke of lotus-eaters and flying serpents. As you approach the boundaries of the Hellenic world, Greeks held more and more fanciful ideas about the strange people and creatures that lived there. It was a myth, possibly extrapolated from some “barbarian” society that had some female fighting force and made for a good story that was embellished by the time it reached historians.


You’re posing this to a game shop that decided to use a visual of a female Nightelf bouncing up and down on loadup…

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We have Gnomes and Goblin warriors with the same performance of a Tauren warrior. Who cares?


Men have crummy pain tolerance compared to women on average, so if we’re going to be accurate, if you’re going to tank, you should only be allowed to do so on a female character.


I don’t even think our characters feel pain, to be honest. We’re kind of dead inside.


I know for a fact my blood elf pally feels pain because whenever I’m tanking on her, the screeching WON’T STOP.


So, what part of WoW makes you think it’s a historical game?

Is it the reality shattering magic?
The plethora of sentient races?
Is it the fact it has spaceships and space travel alongside swords and arrows?
Is it the flying robots?
Is it the aliens invasions?
Is it the fact it happens on a fictional planet that is also alive?
Is it the dragons and their cities?
Is it the different planes of reality competing with each other?
Is it the fact that the personification of death (who’s actually a robot) has big nipples?
Is it the fact that there are immortal species hanging around?
Is it the amount of furries walking around?
Is it the giant sword stuck in the planet?

Do tell me.


We are talking about a universe where humans are robots cursed to be meat (and then cursed more to be short meat).


I think those are just noises she makes to fool the rest of the npcs into not seeing her as the cold, soulless flesh puppet thing she actually is.

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Actually, no, I rescind that. Don’t look too deeply into her eyes. It gets creepy.


I think it’s hilarious that people think throughout human history if there were no men around, the women just threw their hands up and went “oh no guess we’ll just starve to death” and were completely incapable of any kind of hunting or combat.

We definitely totally survived as a species to where we are now by women never doing anything at all lol

Also it’s funny that people think men going out and hunting animals was commonplace, when we have all kinds of fossil records that show the main way humanity survived was fishing and seafood, which is why most early human settlements were near bodies of water. That’s right, we were master baiters.


All I see is a meat puppet at the whims of her Collector General master.

Assuming Direct Control…


The modern Female Warrior archetype is mostly fantasy. There are historical accounts of female warriors, but to my knowledge none of them were wading into combat and hewing down fully grown, armed, armored, and trained men five at a time, nor were any of them doing it with a bare midriff, metal boulder-holders and exposed thighs.

The same could be said of men, too, as you’d have to be partially or completely out of your mind to actually dive into melee bare-chested and without a helmet, and anybody could tell you the futility of a 1v5 melee. But physical dimorphism generally favors men in the physical department, and that alongside their being less vital than women for a given tribe’s continued survival renders them preferable candidates to be shoved into the metaphorical meat grinder. Hence historically men tended to be the hunters and warriors and women tended to be the gatherers and the caregivers, at least as far as I can tell.

The fantasy itself is largely harmless, though, I think. Unless future generations are so mentally degraded by technological convenience that they begin to take tales of the likes of Miss Marvel and Rey Palpatine as some kind of ancient history, but at that point we’ll have become so totally idiotic that we’ll probably render ourselves extinct trying to water crops with energy drinks.

No idea why this topic tends to attract so many detractors. Seems a silly thing to get bent out of shape over.


This hurts you.

I know you feel this.



Warriors, yes, hunters, only sometimes. Men did gathering, too. Hunting isn’t a dependable way to get protein, fishing, however, is. And so is gathering. People mistakenly think men were going out hunting every day and bringing back some game but that would basically be impossible, there would be a huge high rate of failure that would mean we’d never have got as far as a species that we did.