Would you play ReMoP without the mogs? You wouldn't

surprise! it is a game mode. MoP remix toons are completely separate. Just like plunderstorm was. don’t like it, go back to your server. your old server got changed to a PVE server (however unlikely) find a new server or server transfer. BTW your HK’s are still where you left them.

I 100% would. I’m having so much fun leveling and playing with the powers, and my wife and friends. If this was up year-round, I’d play this instead of retail during content lulls. This is the most fun I’ve had in WoW in a long time.

I forgot I could buy cool stuff, haven’t even tried yet. I’m here for the experience right now.


All servers are RP or Normal now, there are no pve servers. It’s not unlikely it’s literally how the game is now. You don’t even know what you’re talking about.

Oh, so these characters will be removed from my account when the event ends? Oh, no they won’t? They’ll be on my server like the rest?

ok thanks. War mode please.

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yes they will, so let people have their fun instead of being a sook about it.

The lil guy probably doesn’t even know what war mode is. The odds you will have a constructive conversation with him are close to zero.

lol…I dont think I actually paid attention to that discrepancy in logic

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Source? 10character

how bout you read the release notes

You’re the one with the burden of proof my guy not me

Mists is my favorite content…the wife and I did a lot of grinding together in Mists…Ive done the mists farm / tiller grind like 50+ times lol…of course Im going to do it again if theres any good reason to, lol


just stop trolling, its not getting a rise, and your just making yourself look uneducated.

I did that for about a half hour on my new priestess in the Jade Forest, and just from that, accumulated nearly a thousand bronze. Afterward, I thought “Nice! I have over 2k bronze now, I should be able to buy something with that.”

Heh. Heh heh heh…silly me.

I did manage to upgrade her staff though, so the trip to the bazaar wasn’t wasted.

So I googled and apparently you’re right. Thanks for the heads up I don’t have to waste my time with this. I was confused because they put the character on my page rather than a different lobby like Plunder.

Edit: You’re wrong. Literally on the create character button it says “When the event ends this character will become a standard character.”

Get the heck out of here you troll

Oh the irony.

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the disc flying mounts are only 2200 bronze.

At the bazaar, look for the NPC labeled Beastmaster.
There are 18 purchasable mounts for that price.


What nonsense. :upside_down_face:

I make alts to play through old zones all the time even without the bonus rewards because I find it fun. The fun is its own reward.

And I didn’t get past level 2 in plunderstorm even though I liked the rewards because it just wasn’t fun for me.


Which was exactly what i was getting at. What did you think i was saying?

Apparently he only counts it as a separate game mode if the characters are deleted at the end.

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That would make it a separate game mode wouldn’t it?

These characters belong to the main game.

Yeah I didn’t even bother to do plunderstorm after I tried 3 matches the first day that is how much I despise battle royal. As someone who has farmed mogs in the past - I refused to do BR to get them.

I’ve played Mop:Remix just to try it out and I actually find the gem system and cloak enjoyable. The a different take on heirloom system to accelerate leveling alts while playing classes I may of leveled before in a brand new way and still getting mog and mounts. Yes please sign me up. They should do this every expansion with a different remix expansion.

Honestly, I’m a person who would not care in the least if they removed PVP entirely from the game. So I’m probably in the group your speaking to, but frankly I don’t care.

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That’s because nobody cares about wpvp. At all.