Would you play ReMoP without the mogs? You wouldn't

I’m not sure whats worse, the fact the OP talks like a 12 year old addicted to tiktok or the fact people reported it because they didn’t like the opinion lol.

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Plunderstorm had transmog… I played 2 matches and learned it was the same terrible experience I come to expect from every battle royal and never touched it again.

Id play it to lvl alts beats chromie time easy


What i don’t understand is… why people haven’t figured out this is WoW’s structure at this point?

And that people also can play games for fun too?.. Replaying though MoP with abilites and such along is worth another look.

not everyone cares about lame cosmetics ya know. i only tried it for the apparently faster leveling which really dont seem fast compared to retail. i dont give a flying f about transmog. never have and never will. i also dont care for all this gem crap and sockets they added either and refuse to use any of it. i find it all useless personally.

is cool though that i can buy alot of ultra rare mounts from the vendor though :smiley: they are only a +1 to the count for achievements btw. i will never look at em or ride em. i do like getting achievements :smiley:

Ya know what’s funny tho? I Loved Plunderstorm too (I know, crazy to OP that people can like both things), but OP is just plain wrong.

I played neither for mogs. Didn’t play either at all.

It’s a level 70 run skipping the trilogy of terror. Df especially. So….yes! I’ll be here to make a 70 or 2. Not touching df.

Worth it for that alone. Started a char already…it’s just rdf was really jumping to launch my hunter to tbcc levels in classic lol.

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No offense but you Do not seem to have a clue why the event exist. It wouldnt exist without them. The mogs/mounts are legit the point of it?That is why its a Limited time event

What the heck is the point you are trying to make here? I mean… Duh!? Kind of the point of Remix buddy. Thats why its a limited time event. Its purpose is to play to get those mogs before the time runs out. Then Return to retail and never look back at Remix.

This is literally the purpose of remix

No they really didnt. The people that did were few and far between. They are both limited time events. Folks that “played for fun” or other reasons thats just a bonus. But The point of them is to play to get the mogs you want before the clock runs out then dip. Of course having a bit of fun while doing so is an added bonus. Literally no reason to play it past that. Again this is why they are both a “Limited Time Event”

The totally invalid point your are trying to make in your OP holds no water kiddo. Sorry. Kind of seems like you were legit Fishing for something to complain about and settled on this idea. Its very much grasping at straws.


However, so far the only fun I’m having is flying around collecting bronze.

I’m only leveling a single character because all I want is the recolor of the Astral Cloud Serpent, and it’s a tedious, slow, slog so far.

I’ve already have Loremaster of Pandaria, and acquired most of the mogs when it was current, so repeating those quests aren’t the romp it needs to be.

The dailies I’ve run into seem new, but maybe I just didn’t do those.

I might have to reevaluate my desire for Golden Sparkle Worm.

Not the new Astral Cloud Serpent recolor.

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Well some times you gotta talk that way to weed out the lunatics, so you don’t talk to them for your own self preservation. Can’t afford them going postal over God knows what.

That shouldn’t be a surprise if you ask me.

I just wanna take a minute here and thank the OP for his/her they/them dedication to trolling the wow forums. Maybe some of you here have seen the OPs threads pop up or his largely intelligent and thought provoking responses in others. Thank you OP this gets a 11/10 keep fighting the troll fight brother.

It’s also worth noting that Blizzard seems to have stumbled into their own version of Borderlands 2’s “badass points” system; not only do these random bonuses apply to everyone on the account I’m also given to understand there is no actual cap; you can just keep stacking bonuses on this thing to transfinite levels and only really held back by the fact that this is going to shut down in like… 92 days.

Of course I would, it’s faster leveling without having to go through Dragonflight for the IDK how many time. Mogs and mounts are a bonus.

He enjoys stirring the crap and being negative about certain aspects of the game/playstyles. Its sort of his “thing” on the forums.

Take it all with a grain of salt.


Yes, I would play. There are mounts and toys that are far ahead of my interest in any of the mogs.


I’m really enjoying it so far! Still plan on leveling about 6 alts through this.

Remix is basically Pandaria SOD PLUS the ability to level alts that transfer to Retail so yeah, sorry OP your premise that nobody would play it falls flat on its face. FAIL!

Meanwhile…Blunderstorm without mogs wouldnt even be connected to the main game.

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A chance to go outside for a while :wink: