Would you play ReMoP without the mogs? You wouldn't

I do enjoy doing the old raids again NGL that is a lot of fun.

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I regularly level through MoP on alts anyways… I couldn’t even stomach Plunderstorm for the mogs. Just wrote them off because of how much I hated it.

Most people play the game FOR FUN. Otherwise why would they be in the game?

I am not in remix for the mogs but i will get a few, i’m there cause i had at least 2 characters i want to level and i wanted to give it a try to see what they did. I am enjoying it but i don’t think i will put a bunch of extra time in to try to get all the mogs or anything like that.

I did however do Plunderstorm for the mogs ONLY, when i was done and had all the renown and mog rewards…i never played it again.

I don’t know I may do it for the mounts

Now if they ever do Classic MoP maybe so I can do range survival hunter and if they were to do Classic WoD but maybe Season of Discovery style and add what was taken out in the original I would so check that out.

But if it ever hits Legion Classic on then I will nope out because imo Legion -SL were the worst expansions . Especially for hunters

Never touched Plunderstorm and never will. Why? I hate anything even remotely smelling like PVP. People like different things. If someone likes PVP great for them. I play because I’m a filthy casual questing/story/RP nerd. I’m doing remix because I like Pandaria and there’s a bunch of mounts I’m going for. Never cared much for the look of Pandaria armor sets so the majority of the transmogs are ‘meh’ for me. But I’ve been having a lot of fun leveling my timerunner through Jade Forest so far.

I will continue to play MoP to level new alts

“But not really”, it seems.
I’m feeling weaker than in retail.

We might become somewhat slightly OP at the end with very powerful gear and fully upgraded stat gems + the best other gems, but so far, it has been a huge disappointment.

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Aaaaaaand why should we care?

Genuine question here. Why should I care if people had fun or not?

Not reading 300 posts of nonsense, but what is blue hat? Is it the opposite of a red hat?

I’m playing it because I’m enjoying it. The rewards are just bonus stuff.

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Plunderstorm was booty, but remix is 10x better than regular WoW. It’s gonna be hard to go back to regular WoW after seeing how good it could be if they focused more on fun and less on progression

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I didn’t play plunderstorm past renown 4, not even for the mogs. Without the mogs id still play ReMop to level alts faster because of the cloak. Now eat your cap

No i probably wouldn’t because i don’t need more alts, even though i like pandaria leveling. But why are we acting like only wanting the rewards from something isn’t a valid reason to be doing it?

I only did plunderstorm for the mogs too, then never touched it again.

If you want plunderstorm back so badly, fortnite is right there. As are dozens of other battle royales.

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So, first off, capping? Brb while I do some quick research into current generational slang.

Ah, a lie. No.

I mean… ya, I wouldn’t play ReMoP without the additional rewards. Much the same way I don’t play classic and tried SOD to try out Warlock Tanking until I found out it was locked behind raiding (yes, that was changed, but I had jumped ship by then). I played Mists when it was current content. I got what I wanted from the expansion, and if I get the urge to play through it again I have it, principally unchanged, available at any time through Chromie Time and beyond.

So, my proclamation that ReMoP is better than Plunderstorm is based on the subjective conditions that its better for me and what I enjoy. Do I also think that its objectively better? Weeeelll, yes, but thats because I wasn’t overly impressed with the technical implementation of plunderstorm. Folks have fun with jank all the time, doesn’t make it less fun… also doesn’t make it less jank. ReMoP is built on stronger bones, which shows.

ReMoP is… bussin’? Did I do that right? It certainly is taking Plunderstorm to school.

Well, yeah

Yeah, I think all blizz has to do is dangle junk like that and people will jump. But actual design and balance for retail are neglected. Such a sad state of the game.

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Is the Leveling as fast as it was implied to be?

Because I’ll take a free level boost if it’s that easy.

The leveling is pretty damn fast; I’m almost 70 on my alt and probably could have had it today If I’d no life’d it; you get plenty of XP% bonuses collecting threads.

And if you do multiple alts it only gets faster. I might straight up take the next three months to level every class then.

Shame I can’t bring them into non-mop raids to start mog farming but oh well.

For the most part yes, the leveling speed is boosted by a +%exp boost on the cloak, so its not as fast as implied for the first character, but since the cloak buffs go on to further characters, it just gets faster and faster. Mid 30s after Jade Forest and about half of 4 Winds. I figure by the time I’m done with Kras and the return to 4 Winds for the Mantid attack I’ll prob be in the 50s and hit max somewhere in Kun’lai.